
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Darker than Life

Today's Friday and the end of the work week... wait, what the hell am I talking about?  I'm in retail.  I get to work Saturday and Sunday...  Sure, I have off Monday, but then I have to work 5 days in a row.  Then it's 2 days off, followed by another 5 day stretch... and this is the slow time of the year.
I got home from work yesterday afternoon and discovered one of the dogs had pulled a pack of Ramen noodles from the back of the counter (yes, every now and then I get a craving for Ramen noodles).  There were crumbs on the living room floor.  Oh, and the soup packet as well.  All they wanted were the crunchy noodles.
I saw where Chief Justice Roberts flipped to the left on some sort of crazy abortion law Louisiana was trying to run down the throats of their citizens.  To be honest, he didn't really flip, he just took a more Centrist position.  The 'Right to Lifers,' however, see it as a betrayal.  I don't have much patience for them since their only goal is to eliminate a woman's right to choose.  They don't care about babies, or what their lives are going to be like, they just want to eliminate choice.  I've always said "if you're Pro-Life, you'd better have about 15 kids in your household, other wise you're nothing more than a loud-mouthed, pushy, phony."
Of course, the Idiot Jerk in the White House is seething over the fact that his Tax-Returns are going to be investigated.  The Mueller probe infuriates him, the Tax-Return investigations?  That nearly scares the fake tan off his skin.  They're going to have to double spray him to hide his glowing fear.  Can we talk about having a real shitty job?  Imagine being the poor sucker who has to spray him down standing there aiming a hose while the Idiot Jerk slowly turns in front of you.  Is that the stuff of nightmares, or what?  And does he actually think about the end result?  Or does he just automatically order #9.

Oh, wait, the chart only goes up to #7...   Now, be serious, do you really think that's going to stop him?  What makes this so hysterical is that this is a man who doesn't like people with dark skin.


  1. I'm somewhere in between #1 and #2. the dump is a color not found in nature. LOCK HIM UP! and the pro-lifers too!

    1. You're right about the color, this chart's for shades of brown and he's more of a Pawpaw orange.

  2. If right-to-lifers cared about children they'd be marching against children in cages ... they'd be rioting for child healthcare ... they'd be funding education.
    They're all just fucks.

    1. The sad truth is they only care about the unborn fetus, once it's born it's on its own.

  3. Oh the wingnuts only want power. When Cheeto was elected the other candidate did warn the country of the possibility of tipping the Supreme Court in favor of the religious right. And it happened. Now the anit-abortion crown feels encouraged by a corrupt philanderer. Fantastic. If they cared about children, they'd think about the ones this administration put in cages.

    1. The most corrupting force in the universe is power, and they're as corruptible as you can get.

  4. My hat is off to you. If I had to do weekends I don't know what I'd do. Cuts so into the social life...well, right now, My hibernation......
