
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Through an Open Window

Today is my Friday, the end of my work week.  I know there are a lot of you out there who wish they could say the same thing.  Starting Thursday, however, my schedule fritters around all over the place.  Because I'm scheduled off on 9/1 there is the tease that I'm going to be off on Labor Day... as though that would actually mean anything to me.
And, of course, everybody was talking about Epstein yesterday... did he or didn't he?  Did this administration substitute Mrs. Danvers for one of his guards... someone who very kindly "opened a window for him?"

And even though the Idiot Jerk is trying to stoke the fires of conspiracy, this is just one more tawdry episode in the shit show that is his administration.
So, I'm beginning to harvest the fruits (or I should say vegetables) of my tiny plot of a garden just below my kitchen window.  First up is a butternut squash... to be truthful, everything I planted turned out to be a squash.  Anyway, I'm looking for suggestions.   What do you do with a butternut squash that's this tiny?

I mean, it's cute... however if I had known I was planting single portion vegetables I would have had second thoughts.  And, in case you are wondering, my hands are rather small.
As I was focusing on taking a snap of the the squash, I looked over and saw Lily posing pretty as a picture.  She usually doesn't sit still, so I snapped her too.

Doesn't she look tiny?  She weighs in around 60 lb.  She has a birthday next Monday and that means white cake and vanilla ice cream for everybody.  Yummy.


  1. Mrs. Danvers sounds pretty spot on to me. Moreso than the "magic bullet" that killed JFK. But then what would I know?

    1. Especially with the autopsy coming back as inconclusive.

  2. somebody wanted epstein dead. the question is - WHO? I blame individual-1 and his orange mafia hit squad.

    1. Yeah, his Tweeting that conspiracy theory so fast makes him look leeeeeetle guilty.

  3. What would I do with a tiny butternut squash? The same as I would do with a big one. Pass it in the produce aisle of the store on my way to the fruit! Squash, ICK!
    Lily is gorgeous!

    1. Hhhhm toasted butternut squash soup... yum yum

  4. What a beautiful picture of Lily! Not a big lover of squash myself, so I can offer no advice on that.

    1. yeah, usually she doesn't sit still. Usually she jumps around saying "camera, camera, camera."

  5. The DOJ was in charge of Epstein. Epstein died. Hillary did it! Sure, Jan.
    I think I have no idea how to cook butternut squash. Or any veggie. I usually go for veggies that do not require cooking 😉

    Lily looks super cute!


    1. You do know they're just dying to blame it on Hil

  6. Just another reason to leave this dump of a county.

  7. Actually, I like this country, we just need to take back control.
