
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Go Biden, Go!

 It's Friday.  I don't work.  I will be working 5 consecutive days before I have another day off.  That will be fine, since today is the last day of nobody's favorite specialist.  He's headed down to the Wilmington, NC store.  I asked him if it was high volume, lots of customers.  He told me there were 2 stores in Wilmington and his new store was the one to the north, so evidently he doesn't know.  One of the first things people ask is when they transfer is "how busy is the store?"  You want to gauge what your workdays will be like.  He doesn't know.

Anyway, I slept in this morning because I stayed up last night to watch the final night of the Convention.  What about Brayden Harrington, the 13 year old overcoming his stutter, a disability?  Didn't that bring a tear to your eye?   That was an amazing moment.  There were several moments like that.

And of course Joe's speech.  I watched the NYT stream, with running commentary.  The comments from the NYT political writers have been concise throughout the convention.  One of them was monitoring Twitter to provide the Social Media input, another was watching Fox News to get their biased opinions.  Me?  I was impressed.  Biden was clear and concise.  I couldn't help but think how Republicans have been trying to paint him as... well, a bit feeble.  That man is sharp as a tack.  They think the Idiot Jerk is going to run rings around him during the debates, but then Republicans have never been too damn smart.  Biden is going to call their president a liar to his face, he may even call him a 'damn liar,' and America will get to see the Idiot Jerk seething with rage.  Won't that be nice?

 For those who missed it, here Joe's speech:

I understand the Idiot Jerk wasn't impressed.  He really is a joke of a human being.


  1. _____ wasn't impressed,. he says, because Joe used a teleprompter, forgetting that when he, himself,uses a teleprompter, her says things like "Yo! Semite!" and "Thighland" and talks of airplanes in the Revolutionary War.

    1. And now, if he uses a teleprompter, he's going to be called a hypocrite and, as you said, without one he is all over the map.

    2. Oh, how I hope he decides to not use teleprompters anymore! That will be hilarious! You know Trumpers accuse Biden of having dementia because deep down they know that their dear leader has ALL the classic signs of it himself.

    3. But without the teleprompter, when Trump speaks all you can see is the top of his bald head and his eyelids because he's always looking down. And then, of course, there's the "upward right shoulder flick" when he f....ks up!

    4. Yeah, that would be funny as hell.

  2. I hope the Repubs watch to see how it's done!!!!!

    I worried. And I worried Joe may mess up or look feeble, but he did neither. HE DID GREAT!!!! If people can't see what needs to be done...then they apparently don't have a pulse.

    1. Joe Biden is sharp as a tack, he he's going to tack everyone of the Idiot Jerk's lies up during the debates.

  3. It was worth staying up late for...a wonderful speech!

  4. Oh your soon to be ex coworker is an idiot.
    And this last day of the Dem convention was great. That kid made me tear up. So touching! Such a contrast with Cheeto. And Joe was in great form. On task, on message and so intelligent and compassionate. IMPOTUS will probably babble away, complain, praise himself and he doesn’t pee on the stage, he’ll be praised as ‘presidential’
    I hate the repugs.


    1. Of course he'll babble, his base loves that. And that kid is quite brave to go on National TV like that.

  5. I watched the 13 year old; brave kid. he's got a great future. dump can fuck right off, as can your transferring co-irker.
