
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

The Truth

 Can we get a nice 'hello' for Sunday morning?  Unlike many of you, I did not sleep in, though the dogs are still lazing away.  When I walked into the bedroom to pull open the drapes, I got one of their 'it's 6 AM on Sunday morning, why are you up so early' looks.  

My neighbor's 2 children and their families were here yesterday to help her pack up and clear things out, at least that's what I thought they were going to be doing.  I stayed out of their way.  I avoid intruding into the personal issues of others.  Dirty Dawg showed up to give her an estimate for emptying the house.  She's going to throw everything she doesn't want away.  Dirty Dawg is expensive, I used them to clean out my mom's things from the senior living facility.  In the end, they packed up the belongings she wants to keep and drove off.  Her plan is to sell the house as soon as possible, which means dirt cheap, and move into an assisted living facility near her daughter.  However, there are problems with the house.  Nothing was done in the form of upkeep.  Whereas I have a full basement, she has a partial basement, with half of it being no more than a crawl space, and both basements get water.  The future will be interesting.

My neighbor across the street did give me some good news yesterday regarding my elephant ear plant.  She grows them, too, though she keeps her in pots on the side of her patio.  She told me to just chop off the top in the fall.  They winter well in Central PA.  That's what she does, and her pots stay outside year-round. 

And I see that Rand Paul wants to repeal the Espionage Act now that his false god has been busted... or is in the process of being busted.  Does a day go by when he doesn't prove himself to be an asshole?  But then he so desperately wants the MAGA voters to like him and vote for him, so he'll do and say whatever it takes to earn their votes.

Yesterday, the Orange Anus brought doubled back on his claim that the documents found at Mar a Lago are part of a political witch hunt.  Oh, and they're also a hoax.  Witch hunts and hoaxes.  This was to be expected.  They are his 'go to' complaints.  His MAGA base eats those 2 words up with a spoon.  He also jibbereshed something about how they should always count on him to tell the Truth.  Yep, he said that.  Keep in mind, many members of his cult believe him to be 'brash.' They will tell you that he doesn't lie.  Every word popping out of his mouth is verifiable.  The Truth.  Of course, their definition of truth has nothing to do with honesty.


  1. Reading about your neighbour having to empty that house fills me with dread. I'm off to do a bit of decluttering .... God help my kids if I go suddenly!

    1. They were pretty much hoarders. There was a path through their dining room to the staircase and another to the kitchen, but the rest was stacked waist high with boxes, and books, and papers.

  2. Happy Sunday! Love those elephant ears. Tired of all the political lies...ugh. When will it be over.

    1. The lies will continue until they silence Trump.

  3. He also claimed they were planted but if they were planted how can they also be nothing?
    Rand Paul can fuck all the way off.

    1. I do think he believes the only way he can get out alive is by starting a war.

  4. Boy we sure can't complain about our weather year-round here in PA. Compared to all the earthquakes, extreme heat, bush fires, and flooding elsewhere, we have near perfect weather here for each season. And today and this week will not be anything to be unhappy with. I've been outdoors most of the day.

    1. Yes, the weather's been nice, not too hot, though we could use some rain, which I understand will be falling most of tomorrow.

  5. And if it's a witch hunt, then I am solely ready personally, to burn him at the stake! Gimme that match. His wish is my command.

    1. Maybe we should just start throwing buckets of water at Republicans to see which ones melt.
