
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

October Surprise

 Yesterday was good, mostly.  Many chores accomplished.  While the nectarine tree is still standing (operative word being still), my peach tree was cut way back in order for it to grow straighter.  Odd choice of words, perhaps, but it's better not to have your trees growing into the side of your house.

The only issue was my neighbor from across the street, she decided to come over and... forcibly chat might be a nice way of looking at it.  Closing on the house next to me is scheduled for this afternoon, and she had one last chance to wonder through and pick out things she might want.  Once it was locked up, she decided there were things she might have liked to have grabbed, like a crockpot, and a dust buster, and I got to be on the receiving end of her complaints.  She actually tried to find a way inside even though at this point it would be breaking and entering.

Can we have a moment of silence for the passing of Angela Lansbury?  I saw her in Sweeny Todd on Broadway.  She was simply amazing.

Last evening I went to see Amsterdam.  It was thoroughly enjoyable.  It's a comedy... sort of, and a drama, but not quite.  Oh, and it's also a mystery.  Set in the early 1930s, between World Wars 1 & 2, I was surprised at how currently relevant the political dialogue was, as well as it's commentary on racism and antisemitism.  Oh, and Bob will be pleased to know that his most favoritesat entertainer of all time, Taylor Swift is in it briefly.

The midterms are racing towards us, and one thing I am very glad of is that I don't watch cable TV.  From what I've seen, the campaign ads are negative as hell, from both sides.  The Republicans are all about authoritarianism, the Democrats democracy.  The Republicans have convinced themselves that all they need to do is be in charge.  They think the country will be cowed and accept everything they want.  They believe that because they are pro 2nd amendment, they are the only ones with guns.  They weren't always so stupid.  There was a time when they knew how to compromise.  If there is a party that will lead this country into civil war, it is them.

And finally, Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic Party.  Now, isn't that a relief?  She will no longer need to lie about being a Russian Asset.  I don't know if any of you heard me chortling, but I do suspect that in her tiny mind she believed her announcement was going to be the October Surprise.  She tried to get the Democratic nomination for president and, except for a few strident followers, no one signed on to her message.  That must be why she signed on for a gig at Fox News, she realized she could be more damaging there.  If there is an October Surprise, I don't doubt it will make Tulsi's announcement sound like a fart.


  1. The GOP has proven with Herschel Walker Abortion Funding that they have no morals, no standards, nothing on with to build other than wanting power to control everyone.
    Tulsi was never a Democrat.

    1. Republicans have never had either morals or standards, all they want is power. Tulsi is a Russian shill.

  2. I don't think I've seen much of Angela Lansbury's work - although I loved Bedknobs and Broomsticks. That was just a work of sheer genius!

    1. If you get a chance, watch Gaslight, her first film and first Oscar nomination. She's very good.

  3. Tulsi Gabbard. Most people are like who? I saw a preview for Amsterdam certainly has a great cast.

    1. If they watch Tucker, they'll know who she is.

  4. OMG Angela Landsbury in Bedknobs and Broomsticks!!! So sad.
    And you know the Repugs will like, cheat and steal to get back to power. The ads are awful in Illinois. Awful. Especially the Repugs running for office. So negative. The Dems just put on recordings of the Repugs fucking up.
    And there was a whole hashtag going on after Tulsi 'left' the Dems. LOL


    1. I saw Bedknobs and Broomsticks a long time ago, it's based on a book that I liked, the movie was... disappointing. The fact that very few people know who Tulsi is, even after her run for the Democrat nomination for president, proves how unnoteworthy she truly is.
