
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Conservative Fashionistas

 Today begins the first of my weekly 4 days off from work.  I should probably come up with a word for this time period since it's not a weekend and for many that word is synonymous with time spent not working, though in reality most of those people do some form of work on the weekend.  You know what I'm talking about: putting in the pansies, and petunias to give your home curb appeal, mowing the lawn, or for some of the ambitious types out there: painting a room.  For many the weekend does not denote hours spent reclining on a chaise while some dappled lovely feeds you dainties.  Nope!  Today, I'm going to be hard at work tearing up the rest of the floor in my kitchen.  

The weather is supposed to be beautiful!  I'm up for that.  One of the out-of-doorsy things I'm going to be doing is deadheading my flowers.  Does anyone know how easy it is to grow dahlia seeds?  Usually you buy the tuber and plant that, but how difficult is it to start them from seed?  And when do you plant them?

Yesterday was one of those horrifically boring days at work.  This doesn't mean that I didn't have to deal with some customers, but mostly I did not.  Sales are down.  Hours are being cut.  I can easily survive on 20 hours a week, but for some part-timers 14 hours a week can be devastating.  So, why are they cutting hours?  Well, those conservative, billionaire stockholders need to be kept happy.

There was also some confusion yesterday when I mentioned Chuck Schumer's decision to relax the dress code, part of it my fault.  He relaxed the informal dress code, not the formal dress code, which means those of you who live to see a conservative in a navy blue, two piece suit will still be able to satiate your cravings by watching Republican press conferences.  Here's a little piece of happiness for you 😎😎😎

And for those of you who relish your conservative female fashionistas, I give you Marsha!

Ah, I do find myself rather amusing sometimes. 


  1. They ought to relax the rule of GOPers wearing roadkill on their heads. Marsha's muskrat could use a day off.

    1. Muskrats around the world are offended LOL.

  2. According to Google info…you need to start dahlia seeds indoors, 8-12 weeks before anticipated last frost, i.e., not until early spring. Then transplant sprouted plants in ground after frost.

    Feeder man had a spicy response to the fascist-o-nistas.

    1. I saw his "grabbin' the hog," reply. Sumptuous! And thanks for the info on dahlias!

  3. I call that time frame you're speaking of Midcationing....when you off on days in the middle of the week.

    Yes that dress code was something else. I was confused by it too. Cuz I think our politicians should dress in business attire and look nice because after all the representing the US. We'll need them to look like a bunch of slobs like you're visually there of Marsha Blackburn. That poor creature. I'm dying to know what kind of species of birds are in that hair. Enjoy your day Dave.

    1. I don't think it's a bird, possibly an extended family of cockroaches, perhaps!

  4. Hahaha
    Oh, the dress code. Large Marge and Bobo would like a word. And it's been raining here nonstop. Yay for good weather.
    Rapey McForehead always looks disheveled. With all the money he's scammed you'd think he'd have his suits tailored...


    1. Enjoy the rain!! Gaetz is nothing without his father's money.

  5. When I was still working my weekends were even busier than my work week. Don't miss that at all but even now I still have some "guilt" when I'm not constantly busy!

    1. I don't have that problem, but then it seems as though I'm constantly doing something, whether it be cleaning, or house redo, or writing, or even taking a nap.
