
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Millennial Me

 Now I know there are those of you who'd like to cancel Tuesday because of the approaching rain, me, however, I'm looking forward to it, hanging around the house in my sweats while the rest of the leaves finally fall from the trees.  At least I'm hoping they'll fall.  Then I'll be able to rake into piles where they can spend the winter decomposing peacefully.

The temps are supposed to hover in the mid 40s (F) all day, and there is no reason for me to leave the house.

I stopped off on my way home from work and picked up a generic brand of allergy medicine with an antihistamine.  Beside the frequent post nasal drip (every morning), there is also the drip, drip, dribble requiring me to constantly have a tissue near by.  I took one before I went to bed last night and woke up to the familiar post nasal drip, however the dribble has ceased.  This probably means I have some sort of crappy sinus infection that won't go away.

Yesterday was slow at work.  In previous years this was usually caused by customer anticipation of the Black Friday sales we offer, however, most of our sales are now active and those that will happen on Black Friday will seem pretty meager.  

Just because I'm not planning on going anywhere, that doesn't mean I'm doing nothing.  Vegging out is rarely in my playbook.

For starters, I took this interesting test the Washington Post sent me.  I suppose I should be pleased that even though I'm in the Boomer age category, my responses scored zero (0) for identifying me as a boomer.  49% of my responses say I'm a Millennial; 29% of them put me in the Gen X category, and the last 25% make me Gen Z, of course maybe all this means is that I'm a progressive thinker.

I did see an interesting article in Newsweek (for the vast majority of time, they're pages are still fodder for the outhouse), which said Republicans might impeach Biden just to satisfy their base.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. For them, it's always been about their base, meaning it doesn't occur to them that many voters would see this as terribly detrimental to their winning elections in 2024.  Their scatter shot approach has helped them win elections in the past, but that was pre-Orange Anus.  The more they lose, the more extreme they become without understanding that by doing so they move themselves farther and farther away from America's core values.


  1. How long have they been trying to impeach now? And they have nothing and yet they keep trying. Which is why they have gotten NOTHING done in the House and why every single GOPer from MAGAt to Moderate--who stand by and do and say nothing--need to be voted from office.

    1. They will keep trying until they're voted out of office because the only thing their capable of doing.

  2. Now you sound like me. I generally rake over our leaves and get rid of them except towards the end now that our trees are pretty much bare the last of the ones covering the grass, I generally rake into the gardens as extra insulation for the perennials and rose bushes. Not to mention all the ingredients go right back into the Earth and make an excellent mulch.

    1. I never rake my to the curb, what a waste of fertizlizer.

  3. Oh no!
    No sinus infections. They suck.
    And how are the Repugs gonna impeach Uncle Joe? How? All they can do is make noise and rattle some pans so the base thinks they're doing something...


    1. If that's what it is. I understand they can last up to 3 months... shit!

  4. I pretty much wake up with a stuffy nose (and I don't have the heating on in the bedroom) and then as soon as I have breakfast I start sneezing. Do you think it's baby boomer drip? Could be worse I suppose!

    1. That sounds like me, though I will sneeze during the day as well if my sinuses fill up. Yuck.

  5. I am the last year of the boomers, but I don't identify with them either.
