
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, March 24, 2025


 Today's starting out a little on the cool side, as long as you definition of cool is in the mid 40s (F).  There are drizzles hanging around, but if the forecasters are correct they will pass leaving this afternoon sunny.  Temp wise, it looks as though we'll be hanging around in the mid 50s (F) to low 60s (F) for the next few days.  I can live with those temps.

Yesterday, because it was the last Sunday I worked an 8 hour shift was a day of none accomplishment.  That's right, except for writing my daily entry in Riding On, I did virtually nothing... literally.  Well, I did go to work.  I did have a nice carpet sale to an ex-employee, a little over $5000.  Her husband signed up for a store credit card.  His credit must not be that good, since his limit was low.  Customers with decent credit usually have a limit of $8000, he maxed out his limit and she put the balance on another card.  She also told me they were going on a cruise in June:  Italy, Greece, and Turkey.  I'm betting they're deep in debt.

I've been listening to Lady Gaga's latest.  If you like her music some of it's pretty good.  However, the videos are rather odd, none of them likeable enough to watch more than one time.

And I think I'm about played out with Skyrim.  There are a number of endings and depending upon the choices you make during the game, you can have a good one, or a bad.   I had a happy ending this time, one a previous playthrough I had to deal with a terrible war.  Now I'm debating whether I want to download Avowed, another RPG from Obsidian, a studio that is owned by Bethesda.  Here's the trailer.

I understand that the Orange Anus is caving on some of his tariffs again, this time in the form of waivers to certain groups, one of which, I believe is the auto industry.  This means that his April 2 deadline is off again, sort of, while still being on.  Pharmaceuticals are still included... possibly... at least for now.

Also, we're evidently going to be importing eggs from Turkey, among other countries.  I'm wondering if the Federal government is going to be paying the import fees, if not, the price of eggs will still be high.

Elonia is trying to buy a Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin.  He's offering voters $100 each if they sign a petition against activist judges, and he's doing this in order to put an activist judge that will give him what he wants on the bench in Wisconsin.  I'm hoping the voters there force him to pound sand.

In Virginia, Governor Youngkin had to deal with boos, hisses, and catcalls.  

In Philly, at the NCAA wrestling championship both Orangie and Elonia were booed mercilessly.  You'd think this moron would learn a lesson and avoid making public appearances.


  1. So if Elon Musk is offering $100 if they sign a petition, how's this even legal? And yet again why is he getting away with it? People in this country are way too lax on letting people get away with too much stuff.And it just shows you how stupid they both are. Why in the world they would even go to Philadelphia or the southeast in Pennsylvania is beyond me because they hate him with a passion there.

    1. It isn't legal and the only ones signing it are those who are already going to vote for the douchebag. They went to Philly thinking the crowd would roar, they did, though with boos.

    2. Philly strong !!! :-)

  2. I'm enjoying all the boos for the Nazis and loving all the cheers for Bernie and AOC!

  3. Oh, yes.
    Offering money to people for votes. Absolutely illegal, but who am I to criticize the über-rich?
    And Cheeto keeps making 'deals'. What he wants is some kind of stupid payola, so people offer him money so he does not slap a tariff on their products. Very Mafia of him.
    And I liked Gaga's new album. And her videos are very conceptual sometimes...

    And deeply in debt but going on a Mediterranean escapade? Very American of them.


    1. For Trump it's always about the art of the deal, even though he's pretty much of a failure. Oh, and that couple is also devout Christians.
