Holy cow! The temp was 54 (F) when I woke up this morning, though rain is on the way, lots of rain, according to the weather forecasters. We need it. Spring is a rainy season, and I have no problem if the showers arrive early. The only problem I might have is Howie, as he has no problem turning himself into a muddy mess, and while Biggie and Lily had problems with getting rained on, Howie seems to glory in that wet dog smell.
If I hadn't cleaned the big aquarium, yesterday would have been pretty much of a meh day. I did go grocery shopping, mostly to pick up some ice cream to celebrate Howie's birthday. He's 7 months old. Just think, in another 5 months he'll be a year old. My doesn't time fly? By now I can tell that he's not going to be as tall as Biggie, who was so much larger than your average Boxer, but he is longer, and that's not counting the length of his tail. Howie's also much more active. One thing he does have in common with my other dogs is that he loves to sit in the front of the yard watching the world go by. He will sit there for hours if I let him.
The over all tone for The Body in 4/4 time will focus less on the dramatic and more on the humorous, I can say this because Bobby Tussel will be playing a larger part. His total lack of filters make him a fun character to write since he allows me creativity without limitations.
And, of course, so many are talking about the Orange Anus spewing bullshit during his State of the Union address last evening. I didn't watch. I played Skyrim. To be fair, I never watch speeches, presidential or otherwise. I don't find them in the least bit inspirational since, to again be fair, there's very little honest to goodness truth in them. They are chock full of misleading generalities and quite often media outlets add in their own substantiation. Also, there is the fact that the Orange Anus is a pathological liar. Anyone who believes him is one of those "fool me once, fool me twice, fool me thrice" people who will never accept the fact that believing in him makes them constant fools.
And there were protests.