
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Duck This

Well, it's Saturday.  Yesterday was slow at work.  This is to be expected.  It's that time of year.  While it's not official yet, my department is going to be losing a specialist... and no, it's not me.  Just letting you know if anyone has any interest in applying.
An amusing moment happened while I was typing notes in a customer's file.  One of the store associates was walking by and stopped.  I thought he was going to ask a question so I paused.  He did, "you can type with out looking at the keyboard?"  My response? ".... .... uh, yeah."  Amazing, eh?
Last night, as I was getting ready for bed, Big Seig came walking into the bedroom with the big, fluffy yellow duck the dogs got for Christmas.  I had to smile because he's a big dog and it's a big duck, almost 18" long, and there he was, walking around with that yellow duck in his mouth.  This morning it was still on the bed.

Yesterday, one of our newly minted Congresswomen said, in reference to the Idiot Jerk in the White House "we're going to impeach that motherfucker."  Of course, the all white Republican party freaked mostly because she rang a bell they have been ignoring for years.  I do believe unequivocally that the Idiot Jerk's rectum no doubt spasmed horrendously at those words.  You see, Rashida Tlaib is female, and brown, and Muslim.  She is three nails in the coffin of the white, Republican Party.  Instead of asking themselves how many young, female, people of color joined their party and got elected into office, they did the old 'shriek and shout.'  Instead of trying to understand how America is changing, they have chosen to duck and run for cover.  This is how their party will end, desperately praying that the moral degenerate in the White House will save them...  They do not understand.  They are lost.


  1. and more power to rashida!

    I do need to look at the keyboard, but I can type fast.

    1. The whole thing is rather funny, I think.

      Oh, and so you're telling me you got Philly Fingers...

  2. Oh, the Repugs. They are always clutching their pearls about some stupid shit but they turn a blind eye to the orange pussy grabber. Fuck them all.
    That doggie is super cute carrying around the duckie! Animals are a total riot.
    Oh, and I went to see Aquaman. Jason Momoa did NOT disappoint.


    1. Yes, Aquamann was rather.. rousing, wasn't he?

  3. And yet the GOP said nothing about 'grab 'em by the pussy'?
    They're ALL motherfuckers.

    1. They've always been spineless when it comes to themselves.

  4. That duck has seen better days. Seems like kids, our pups like the old tired toys the best.

    1. The duck was actually a Christmas present... it's just that large mouthed dogs don't bode well for fluffiness.

  5. Probably totally off topic, but when you have learned to type properly you actually can look up and talk to someone while your fingers just keep going can't you - that is unless you have your hands positioned in the wrong place and you end up with xkjaejoiawerams dfasdfjadsfkj!

    1. You also get that kind of typing if you happen to spill a glass of wine on your keyboard... in case you didn't know.
