
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, April 10, 2023


 Well, here we are heading into a new week.  The temps outside are a cool 38 (F).  We were sitting under a freeze warning.  That didn't happen.  What is going to happen is a mini-heat wave.  Our temps might climb as high as 88 (F) on Wednesday.  That's way too warm for April.  It's too early to break out the air conditioner.  I am scheduled off though, which means I'll get to enjoy it.

Yesterday was slow at the store.  I did get a lead for blinds and hit both my sales and measure goals.  Management will be proud.  

I work 8 hours today... in the paint department.  I like mixing paint.  Thanks to a computerized measuring system, it easy.  After the early morning rush of contractors, business is what I call a slow steady.  

My next book, The Body in Motion is coming along fine.  No characters have been dropped yet because they've become unnecessary and two have been added, include Doorman Phil who will be giving the team advice.

FedEx sent me an update on that little statue I bought for the big aquarium, it's shipped last night from Crete.  Now, isn't that exciting?

My tulips are beginning to bloom.

And now that Easter is past, I'm sure the political scene will return to normal.  I will tell you, I got a little sick of Republicans posting their phony religious comments on Twitter.  We know exactly what's in their dirty little hearts and Christianity has nothing to do with it.  They do point out the gullibility of Christians in that all some of them need to see or hear is a statement of Praise for them to believe Republicans are divinely inspired.  Again, we know that's not true, but they are very good at manipulation.  Their Faithless slight of hand snockers true Believers every time.

Finally, shall we celebrate the shit show that is swirling around Clarence Thomas.  Every time he opens his mouth he proves how selfish and self-centered he is, and the more dirt that comes out about his white, neo-Nazi billionaire owner the worse Clarence looks.  Isn't it nice to know that he's fuming because people are calling him every name he derides in not only People of Color but people in general.   He is trash boiled over.


  1. I haven't followed what's going on with Clarence Thomas. I'll have to look that up! And the colour of that tulip is just beautiful!

    1. That color is very pretty, such a shame they don't last.

  2. I find it interesting that so many claim that they are religious in general and the GOP....must churches are shuttering or memberships wayyyyyyyy down. One day....we will be left with hopefully the buildings converted to other things!! And then they'll be featured on Bob's Architectural Wednesday's.

    1. And don't forget, many of them just aren't making enough babies.

  3. Enjoy the warm weather. I am hoping we get some of that here soon.

  4. Oh, Clarence is having his share of headaches. Don't forget that Ginny collaborated with the insurrectionists. Now Clarence has a sympathizer sugar daddy. Shocking! Anita was right...

    And I love that your tulips are popping up. Ours are still waiting for some more warm days...


    1. Clarence and Ginni are going to learn a painful lesson, won't it be delightful.
