
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, June 5, 2023


 Hello Monday!  I hope everybody had a good weekend.  The weather here in Enola was warm and dry while severe thunderstorms battered the area around my little suburb.  Because of this, I had to drag out the hose last evening and water my plants.  No rain is scheduled in the foreseeable future.  It's almost as if we're heading into the dog days of summer without the heat.

I did get another measure yesterday while working.  That really puts me up for the week.  My sales were good, too, for a part time associate.  

One of the higher-ups in our region is in a world of shit.  We were told there was an install promotion going on for vinyl and laminate surfaces, and signs were posted.  A number of measures were done before it was discovered our store was not included.  As a result, because people are now buying those installations, our store is having to do some major markdowns.  The kind that curdle the blood of any accountant looking at our books.  This type of mistake brings out the worst in customers.

Here's a bit of hilarity.  Evidently production of the new Barbie movie had some trouble getting enough of the right color pink.  If you've seen the trailer, you will realize how much pink there is in the movie.  If you haven't, well, here it is.  I think this movie is going to be a blast.

And here's a little bit of the NYT:  Ad revenue for Twitter is down 59% from last year.  I don't know about you, but I find that fascinating.  This is how Elon Musk learns how pricey his opinion of what constitutes free speech is going to be.  Oh, and advertisers are not flocking back.  They are taking their revenue elsewhere.  Of course, Elon doesn't understand how far his ego has led him astray.  Instead of changing course, he's going to continue down the same path,  Everyone is learning that even though Elon sold the idea to the world that he's a smart man, in real time it turns out he's dumb as a box of rocks.

Trump's documents Grand Jury reconvenes today.  Prepare yourselves for a stream of rage in all Caps.


  1. Ohhh I do want to see the Barbie movie. Margot is fun and Ryan? Yes, please.
    Elmo is gonna find out that his toy is a very expensive one. He's a champion of 'free speech' when it suits his South African sensibilities....
    And I read Mango Mussolini was losing his shit on that platform he has. Socialists, injustice and innocence were mentioned in all caps at unholy hours. Joy.


    1. Rumors are that Trump's legal team tried to work out some sort of plea deal and failed.

  2. I'll pass on Barbie.

    Poor Elon. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. My neighbors went to the big orange box retailer to buy bags of black mulch. The store was out of the advertised $2bag stuff so loaded them up with $4.99 mulch…for $2. The accountants would not be pleased.

    1. We ran out of the black mulch at our store, too, someone just didn't order enough.

  4. Yikes! That is a big boo-boo and sounds some heads are going to roll over that mistake at your store. I don't know enough about the Barbie movie to know if I will watch it. If it is a serious satire or dark comedy then I am in. Or is it just a fun little romp like Pee Wee's Big Adventure then I am probably in as well.

    1. And that boo-boo is going to keep growing for a couple of days. Just so you know, Pee Wee's Great adventure was Great!!

  5. Now you'd think I would probably like that Barbie movie, but I have no desire to go see it the trailer got all my nerves alone and I don't see what the point is. Just the look of it and sound of that Margot's voice made me want to take an ice pick my ear drums.I myself had lovely weekend.... Beach time Friday and then gay pride festivities Saturday and Sunday in Philly. When I talk to my mother she said they had quite a storm Saturday night I think I might have mentioned that already.

    1. I like Margot, and Ryan, and this movie's going to make a fortune.

  6. I won't be seeing the Barbie movie either.

  7. Eewww wouldn't want to be in that guys shoes losing so much money for your employer!!!! And thanks for the Barbie trailer but I think I'll be giving it a miss!

    1. I believe the bad information was given to us by our District Manager... ouch for him.
