
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, July 2, 2023


 Well, here in Central PA we are halfway through the July 4 holiday weekend.  Whoopee.  Oh, and we had rain last night.  Lots of rain.  While not a deluge, it was steady and sometimes heavy.  More is expected today, with forecasters calling for cloudy skies and thunderstorms.  Last night's rain will insure my lawn gets another mowing this week.  Whoopee.

Business was slow yesterday at the store.  I cut some blinds for a customer.  That was about all the action I saw.  This is not the time of year for flooring.  There will be customers, however, who show up because they need a new grill and need to buy one that's fully assembled and ready to go.  We all know people like this, the ones who wait until the last minute because it never occurs to them that they might want to be a little preemptive when it comes to grilling on the holiday weekend.  They will also complain because we have no grills left in the mid-price range and the only grills sitting out front on our concrete apron and the high end grills, and those that might survive one barbecue.  

Yesterday was also the first stage of the Tour de France!  Whoopee!  I do like watching it live and would love to be there.  This year it starts in Spain.  The opening stage took them through a number of Spanish towns including Guernica.  I was waiting for the announcers to mention Picasso, or the fire bombing of that city... nada.  Even a slight mention would be nice.  I actually got a chance to see that infamous Picasso painting a long time ago.  

And as might be expected, the fallout is still dropping from the Supreme Court decisions.  I like to remind people, that for every action, there is a reaction.  This is how life moves on.  This is also how change happens.  Conservatives, in their desperate attempt to turn back to clock do not understand this, which is why all of their attempts to alter the future will fail.  Without evolution there is death.

As a point of interest, I'd like to point out something I mentioned a while back the AI Jesus showing up on the internet.  I asked 2 people the same thing, "when the AI Jesus answers, could it be God speaking?"  One of them nodded and told I was asking a valid question.  The other, however, said he didn't trust AI, and would rather depend upon the old ways.  Translation:  the 2 individual doesn't really want God to speak, he wants everything that can be said, to have been already said.  God can't do any finetuning because His words might not be what the 2nd individual wants to hear.  No matter how safe the old ways seem to be, they will always fail. Life and religion will move on, leaving them far behind.  Whoopee!


  1. AI Jesus is just as interesting to me as "real" Jesus.

  2. While the Tour de France hasn't reached here yet, yesterday I went into my local town and ended up crawling there behind a bike race AND a vintage car rally (at least the cars were nice and the men's bums weren't too bad either)!

    1. Bike races do tend to snarl up traffic and we have car shows near me... not a vehicular enthusiast, I never attend.

  3. "Without Evolution there is Death"... well, I do Hope Natural Selection takes out some of them sooner than later. AI Jesus, well, that's food for thought and would be interesting... I also wonder what AI me would come off as? I guess eventually we might all find out...

    1. I find the AI Jesus thing fascinating, especially when talking to Christians who struggle with the possibility that God might be speaking to them after 2000 years.
