
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Constructive Criticism

 The rain we were supposed to be getting yesterday passed us by, moving up the coast farther to our east.  We has spotting showers for a while.  The temps cooled down a bit, but keep in mind that this is summer and they will most certainly rebound later in the afternoon.  I'm fine with that.  So far it seems as though we had a warm winter and a summer filled with medium grade temps.  I don't mind that; my central A/C doesn't need to run which saves me money on my electric bill.

I had a goal of 2 measures last week, I got 4.  Whoo! Hoo!

My schedule's odd this week.  Rather than work Monday, I'm working Thursday... don't ask me why.  It's an odd thing.  Instead of having 4 sequential days off, I'm 3 off, 1 on, and then 2 off.  After that my schedule goes back to what it was for a week, and then there is a shift again because I requested a Sunday off to go down to York.

Since the fish / aquarium center has been updated at PetSmart, I'll probably use that rather than drive down to Lancaster.  They even have plants now.

And I've added another video to my YouTube channel.  It got a couple hardy-har-hars when I posted it to Facebook.

And Ronnie D's is shaking up his campaign staffing, possibly because of the video in which one of his staffers admitted to being stoned.  Or, it could also be that his vision of Woke Hell is simply not catching fire.  Ronnie suffers from the same problem almost every other Republican politician suffers from, the inability to understand that his decisions run against the grain of most Americans.  The Orange Anus used the word Woke and Ronnie, believing it to be the true yellow brick road to the presidency instantly became the anti-woke overachiever.  Because of this he damns constructive criticism; that would me he's wrong.  He doesn't know that surrounding yourself only with people who think like you will spoil you into believing your are always correct.  Believe me, Ronnie has spoiled himself into believing he is the answer to every Cracker Jack Republicans Conservative wet dream.


  1. Ronnie's campaign of hate worked well in Florida because he lied most of the time. Take it nationwide and you face more criticism.
    I'd like to be a fly on the wall of his home as his wife, #KarenDesantis, reams him because she MUST be First Lady.

    1. And he's stupid enough to believe his only way to succeed it to move even farther into crazy land.

  2. Heh I see you are going to become a YouTuber (just like Troye!) and that may be a very smart move. You know how many people get their info from them (yours truly is one of those). Also, promotion.
    The whole Meatball Ron situation is kind of a dumpster fire of inadequacy, lack of charisma and bullying gone to hell. He just let go of a lot of his staff, who went straight to his super PAC (which is a violation of the rules).
    He does sound a tad desperate... And did you read that Uncle Joe out-fundraised all the MAGAts? Dark Brandon strikes again.


    1. The difference between Troye and me is that I'm having fun with it, and he's trying to gouge as much money as possible by looking like a 12 year-old and using an autotune to sing soprano. As for Ronnie D? It'll be over before he even knows it.

  3. I wish you read your books. I love the sound of your voice.

  4. Yay! For the measurements! And another YouTube for video! Nay! For that turd from Florida!

    1. The videos are fun, and that turd? Someone's already reaching out to flush him.

  5. I agree with Mistress Maddie - you would sound good reading your book. For the Youtube video, personally I would turn the music down a little as I found it overpowered you speaking voice!

    1. I can't tell how loud the music will be, and I only do the videos once, which is why I flub things up or move my hand into the video when it shouldn't.
