
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Conservative Failure

 Well, it's Tuesday and I'm glad.  I've had 2 weeks of disruptive scheduling because other associates were on vacation.  I worked 29 hours last week, and that's a lot for me.  I'm used to my 3 days on and 4 days off schedule, which has finally started again.  

The temps climbed up to 91 (F) yesterday and it was warm, or at least it felt warm.  Being used to highs in the mid 80s (F), it's amazing how much hotter a few extra degrees can make it seem.  Today we're back in the low to mid 80s (F), which is fine with me.

An offer has been made on the house next door.  I don't know for how much, but when you go into Zillow it is now listed as "sale pending."  There was a family with two teenage children looking at it last week, though I wouldn't think they'd be interested.  They were driving an old Hyundai which might indicate the price might be out of their budget.  I'm interested in how much it will actually sell for.

Yesterday morning I took this picture of some of my roses to post to Threads and because I'm still acquainting myself with how it works, I sent it everywhere except here.  So, now I've fixed that.

Because I was bored yesterday, I walked over to the kitchen designer to waste some time in conversation.  He and I talk regularly, and though he's a Republican, he's very much a Centrist.  Sometimes we talk politics, sometimes we don't.  At one point in the conversation I said, "you know, conservatism is dying," and, after a few seconds, he surprised me by agreeing.  For those who don't understand, it's not just Trump, but in part quite a lot of it has to do with the Republican party's reliance on culture wars.  All they can do is shriek about wokeness, something they can't define, and it's failing.  Ronnie DeSantis has become a joke since he can't finish a sentence with using the word woke.  The shooting this past weekend by a homophobic Christian because she had a rainbow flat hanging outside her bookstore drives home the point.  Conservatism is being violently killed by people like Greg Locke, the Evangelical pastor who destroyed a Barbie dream home with a bible duct-taped to a baseball bat.  While some of the Cracker Jack Crazies were pleased by Locke's behavior, vast numbers of people around the world have watched that video saying WTF.  Failure is no longer an option for Conservatives, it's the reality.


  1. The right is looking unyielding, hypocritic and downright dangerous these days; it's not all of them, but the crazies are taking all the press.

    1. And they are dangerous because many of them are now realizing they are in a lose / lose situation.

  2. Love the roses!
    And 'conservative' does not apply to the GOP anymore. It's more of a xtofascist view of a theocratic government.


  3. Not that I'm religious but the pastor is taping a Bible to a baseball bat, true religious people would think that's desecrating the Bible. What a fool. But I enjoyed seeing your beautiful rose! After work yesterday I took a nice snooze on the chaise lounge in the backyard. It was lovely.

    1. Yeah, I thought that was rather sacrilegious.

  4. I hadn't heard about that shooting as I haven't been following US news that much. How sad! And that rose is beautiful. My roses are crap this year and I'm thinking of pulling them up (when the weather gets a bit cooler)!

    1. The rose is nice, but the bushes themselves have had problems this summer. One of these days, when it's warm, I'm going to cut all of them back.
