
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Shut up! You're not in Charge

 Thursday is arriving with a thump.  Rain is in the air.  Buckets will be arriving in the form of showers, drizzling on and off.  I mowed my lawn yesterday so I'm not concerned.  This does mean that most likely I'll be mowing it again next Tuesday or Wednesday.

So, the house next door is off the market.  Most of yesterday there were two women there, one driving a Mercedes and the some sort of boxy, orange car.  I'm fairly certain that they are staging the house to make it more attractive to buyers.  While I was mowing, I saw one of them carrying in 2 snake plants and while I was making dinner I heard them talking out back next to the windows on my enclosed porch.  I glanced at them as one of them pointed up.  I'm hoping they convince the guy running the show to put in a section of privacy fence between our 2 properties; that would save me the expense.

My back is still recovering from my kettlebell experience.  A lesson is learned.  I can do the exercises, but not with a 15 lb kettlebell, at least not to start.  I have some individual 5 lb weights, so I think those will be substituting until those lower back muscles build up some strength.

And, of course, the voters in Ohio spoke out and rather loudly told Conservatives to shut up!

That's right, they told the Republicans to stay out of their lives, that they were not in charge.  That vote has the GOP in disarray.  Very conservative Kansas did the same thing a while back, told the conservatives to stay out of their lives.  I've seen a number of articles questioning how the GOP could have become so out of step with America.  That's a rather stupid question if you think about it.  They're not out of step at all.  Nope.  The truth is that they just don't care what a majority of Americans want.  Not at all.  Conservatives want an authoritarian government where they get to say "Shut up, We're in Charge."  In both Ohio and Kansas, Americans have shouted back "Shut up! You're not in charge!"

And isn't Ronnie 'meatball' DeSantis a real dick?  His are cratering, he's laid off many of his campaign staff, and replaced his campaign manager with one who is more... crazy might be the word.  Is this moron learning anything?  Absolutely not.  He just replaced a legally elected state prosecutor with a loyalist.  Instead of understanding that his extremism is only good at turning off voters and that he needs to move closer to the center, he's racing even farther to the right.  He is catastrophically destroying not only his own campaign by his stupidity, but his governorship as well.  People in Florida are already looking at him and shouting "Shut up!  You're not in charge!"


  1. Uh-oh. So they're staging the house now? They should have done that at the start, but I guess they thought it'd be an easy sale.
    And thank goodness Ohio did something! The Repugs are going all out to rig any kind of elections on their favor. 41% said yes? Outrageous.
    Meatball Ron is kinda done. Jabba the Orange will be nominated, no matter how many indictments he gets.


    1. Ohio, yes! the GOP is shaking in their boots.

  2. In the Ohio county I’m living, the issue was defeated by ONE VOTE! Absentee votes still being counted. There are lots of cultists here. Ugh.

    1. Yes, cultists, down near Kentucky and over near South Dakota, lands of red hell.

  3. Mr Go Go Boots just doesn't get. He has sank. The GOP rooster of candidates is a complete and utter mess and joke. Christie is the only one with ant sort of sense...some days.

    Politicans need to do their government stuff and what we need them to do. And stay out of privates lives or the reckoning will continue.

  4. I must have missed the bit about the kettlebell. Take care of your back - you kinda need it!

    1. I working on keeping it safe since it needs to last me at least another 30 years.
