
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Bendy Ankle

 Sunday!  And I don't work!  And the weather is nice, cool, but that's okay.  This is autumn; cool days and cooler nights.  The sunshine is so bright I had to pull the curtains shut to keep it from blinding me while I type.

I got many hours of sleep last night.  When the alarm went off, I let Lily out and the fed her, and then the two of us went back to bed for another hour.  This always happens when my schedule gets changed.  Normally I'd be going in to work this morning, but I'm off, I worked Thursday instead.  I like have my 4 days off in a row, I get more things done around the house which is important with my kitchen renovation.  Not that I don't get things done.  All of the new cabinets have their first coat of paint, next up, a bit of light sanding and then on to coat number 2.  I will probably do 3 coats since paint is a finish, and being in a kitchen where dings and dangs happen, the stronger the better.

Work was exceedingly boring yesterday.  Not that I didn't talk to customers, it's just that the all though our pricing was too expensive.  The new software they've saddled us with is still twitchy as hell.  This is piss poor planning.  They should have rolled this out in mid-January when business is a lot slower and associates would have the time to learn how it work.  Now they're going to be dealing with costly complaints.

I check Facebook every morning to see if everybody I know is still alive.  This morning this pic popped up from 5 years ago.  Isn't it amazing how bendy my ankle is?

And, of course, the Republican shit show in Congress continues.  Now that the little fascist Jimmy Jordan got rejected it seems as though the floodgates of wannabe Speakers has opened up.  The last time I checked I believe there were 10 Republicans vying for the position.   Because there is no obvious choice, the chaos will continue.  Three or four will probably get nominated, however the rules the Republicans themselves set up will require the victor will need to have some Democratic support, and the GOP has decided they don't want to work with Democrats.  Having to compromise means they can't go around shouting "shut up, we're in charge," and that's a stake for every MAGA who bought into the cult.


  1. Sleeping in with Lily sounds nice!

    These Republicans are utterly worthless. How can anyone think these idiots are fit to govern?

    1. It was really nice. And the Republicans keep getting worse, day after day.

  2. I have nominated our cat Rosita for Speaker of the House.

  3. My ex is who was in politics said that's precisely what our problem is. Democrats and Republicans don't seem to want to compromise with the other party on anything.Though us Dems will compromise probably more than the R's would.

    1. Democrats do compromise and work across the aisle, Republicans refused to consider it.

  4. Ha, yep, non-bendy ankles are now a thing aren't they!

    1. I wish the rest of my joints were that flexible.
