
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Walking into Mordor

 Say hello to Monday, the start of a brand new week.  The temps this morning were cool: 41 (F), and they are only expected to climb up into the lower 60s (F).  After today, they're expected to warm up, with temps climbing into the mid to upper 60s (F).  However, it will soon be too cold to take Lily for her morning walks.

Even though business was slow in Flooring yesterday, I did manage to sell one measure.  That's not what management wants.  We didn't meet our sales goal last week and I must say this reminds me of how things were pre-pandemic.  Goals were always higher than what we could earn as a way of encouraging us to sell more, to fill the shopping cart of every customer, whether they needed the merchandise or not because you didn't want the customer having to come back to the store for something they didn't know they were going to need.  I never quite understood the reasoning since today's customers return the things they don't need.  Perhaps corporate believes customers will buy something else after taking care of their returns. 

I drilled the holes for my drainage and supply lines for my dishwasher in the wrong place, so this morning I'm going to redrill before I head into work.  Otherwise, the dishwasher is ready to be hooked up.  I can't wait.

And, if anyone is interested, I saw this sweater I'd like for my birthday  😎😎.  Nifty, huh?

As the world still reels from Hamas' attack on Israel, certain Republicans in this country are trying to blame it on Biden's White House.  While this will resonate with their base, I don't doubt that most Americans are thinking that these losers need to give it a break.  Tuberville is still trying to make himself important by keeping a hold on military promotions.  The majority party (Republicans) has no leader in the House, ;though they're saying they should have one by Wednesday.  Of course, know that they are Republicans, the idea of pulling their heads out of their asses will simply never occur to them.

And when I heard that the terrorists had taken hostages, the first thing to cross my mind was Jimmy Carter and the Iran hostage crisis, and I'm thinking that was their main objective.  Killing and creating chaos was a big part of the attack, but the taking of hostages was evidently their main priority.  These losers want a bargaining chip.  Soon, they will threaten to begin executing them, one by one, in a very public way.  For all the world knows, these hostages may no longer be in Gaza, but may have already been moved to multitude of safer locations making rescue that more difficult.  We are watching the dark side of Islam, one that may eventually destroy the religion.


  1. I am not sure it will destroy the religion, but it sure does give it a black eye.

    1. It may actually lead to a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which might not be such a bad thing.

  2. The GOP that can't even get their own party together shouldn't be placing blame anywhere except on their shoulder ... oh, wait, they take no responsibility for anything.

  3. Oh, Twitter was crawling with misinformation about Hamas and its actions. Elmo even promoted accounts that are well known for posting shit. It was a shitshow.
    And the repug's talking point is BIDEN! When we all know Uncle Joe had nothing to do with it. The repugs are hoping that their delay tactics somehow affect the possible response/help the United States may offer/send.


    1. And they're failing with everybody except their base.

  4. I'm horrified by what's happening in Israel, and this as someone who always had so much sympathy for Palestine!

    1. I doubt if your average Palestinian knew what Hamas was planning, otherwise they couldn't have kept it such a secret. Unfortunately, many innocent people are dying now.
