
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 Well, the rain is gone, so are the winds, and yes, it did get windy.  Temps are beginning to drop, and we should soon be experiencing actual winter temps here in Central PA.  They're predicted to be a bit warmer than what would be considered normal, but they'll be cold.  Today is going to be blustery. There are snow flurries whirling around outside my window, not that they're going to amount to anything.

Yesterday, I did a little more than nothing, but it wasn't a day I would label productive.  Not once did I sit down at my writing desk, and there are things that need to be done.  I need to begin prep work on The Body on the Lawn, the first in the Eli and Max series.  Come March (?) it and the second book, The Body in the Tower will be turned into audio books.  One of the requirements for that transition is the removal of the song lyrics.  Having a narrator read them is considered a performance and that would mean royalty payments, and that can be pricy.  The Word editor does an excellent job at cleaning up things up, too.  

Either today or tomorrow I'm going to be baking coconut macaroons, one of my favorite cookies, and they will be dipped in chocolate.  White chocolate.  I thought I'd change things up.

And in a few short days the sun will finally begin to set later in the afternoon.  I don't know about you, but dusk falling at 4:30 in the afternoon is not a good thing.  I like it when daylight last for more than 10 hours.

Boy, I'm so glad I wasn't planning on buying an Apple watch, and even gladder that I own a Garmin.  When I searched through my pics to see if there was one of my watch, this popped up.  It's very old.  This is Gertie, my first boxer, looking out the front door, about 11 years ago.  My, things have changed in the living room, haven't they?

And, as expected, Frankie Graham is pissing barbed wire over the Pope's little decision on the blessing of same sex couples.  Frankie needs to revisit Matthew 12, which says that God will forgive every sin, except for the sin of blasphemy.  Ouch.

There was an interesting article in the Post about Biden, and how he doesn't realize how old he looks.  For those who don't know, there are very few people who realize how old they look.  This is because in they're still in the their mid 30s, and when they look in the mirror they're seeing the same face they've looked at for... say... 81 years.  The human appearance changes slowly.  When you see a picture of yourself in your 20s, you're surprised at how young you look.  Most people will never comprehend how old others actually see them.


  1. I've always found it funny how conservatives can pull bible verses to suit them but then when you find verses that counter what they say all of a sudden the Bible doesn't know what its talking about. Like the example you've given.

    1. Yeah, they do it all the time to suit their own beliefs.

  2. Oh, Frankie sent the bigots in a tizzy. I cackled. And we all know it's just talk. But still, for him to say that..
    And have you seen Cheeto walk? He waddles and seems... frail? The lifts, the fake tan, the girdle... and he's an old man. He's only three years younger than Uncle Joe, who goes for swims and rides a bike.
    I recently saw a pic of me when I was sixteen and I was shocked! Damn.


    1. I don't listen to Trump, and I try to completely avoided watching him on anything, so no, I haven't seen him walk.

  3. Every time I see my photo I'm like, Who is that geezer?

    1. I know exactly what you mean, because the person I'm looking at is not me.

  4. Whenever I get into a lift with a mirror in it I see my mom staring back at me!!!

    1. For a long time I looked like my dad, but that's changing as I get older.
