
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, December 18, 2023

The Price of Loyalty

 Well, for those of you not on the Eastern Seaboard of the US, we certainly did get our share of rain yesterday.  Buckets.  There were times when your could hear it crashing down on the store's roof, and when that wasn't happening we had a sustaining soaker, meaning steady almost to the point of being unrelenting.  My gauge at the house indicated we got a little over 3 inches.  It's a good thing it fell over an extended period of time, otherwise there would have been flooding.

As expected, retail was terribly slow.  At times there were only 5 - 10 customers in the store.  So, what does one do when things are so slow?  Well, since I sit a desk with a computer, I started researching Greek names.  I also began reviewing Greek history, choosing a book on Delphi.  While some might just order it, I waited until I got home.  Always the good associate, I understand the purchasing something for myself on store time is against policy.  Besides, it's not like I'm super desperate to get it into my hands.  And, I ordered the paperback version.  I could have ordered the Kindle version, but, again, it's not that necessary that I begin educating myself on that subject immediately. I can wait... a bit.  In case you're wondering, this is one of the things I did at work yesterday.

Here's one of those interesting thoughts I have sometimes:  If, by some horrible act of the fates, Trump should actually win the presidency, Ronnie DeSantis will probably be sent to some sort of American gulag. You see, Trump would do his damndest to model his next term after his blow bro Vlad, and unless you've been living under a rock, you know that Vlad eliminates the competition.  Some get poisoned.  Some accidentally fall out windows.  And Ronnie, as well as Nikki H. would all be seen as competition.  You'd think these morons would know by now that Trump would demand unfettered loyalty, or else it would be out the window, or don't eat the chicken salad, or touch that door knob.

And I just saw a flash:  The pope has issued a decree that priests can now bless same sex couples.  Well, that's going send a lot of Catholics over the edge. 


  1. Hahaha
    I know, I read Frankie brought the catholic church forward one century. They've got five more to go. And it's all PR. You KNOW it's not THAT easy to move the needle forward in the most reactionary institution on earth...
    And yes, Jabba The Orange has promised to be a dictator from day one... and we all know he's not joking.


    1. No, Trump isn't joking, and Republicans would be just fine with that... of course, then they'd have to suffer the consequences.

  2. I think it would be funny if he started offing them. Last ones we have to worry about. And then someone could take him out. But just the idea of him winning makes me shutter.

    1. Unfortunately, he'll have to be president before that happens.

  3. I'd say we put 'em all in a cage and let 'em go after one another.

  4. I had a terrible habit of ordering a book as soon as someone recommended it. I finally learned to just download a sample onto my kindle. You'd be surprised how many I never bought after that!

    1. Here lately, the only reading I've been doing is for research, and since the setting for the next book is Greece, I thought I should probably learn a bit about certain historical sites.
