
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Rainy Day Friday

Our flood warning expires today, though skies will remain overcast until sometime tomorrow.  We might have showers, and then we might not.  Tomorrow morning we've been told to expect snow flurries.  Highs will not get out of the upper 40s (F) until sometime on Sunday, then they'll be climbing up into the mid 60s (F) for a while.

Tomorrow, being that it's the first Saturday of April, will be our Kid's Workshop at the store.  Kid's Workshop is the reason my start time on Saturdays is 1300, or 1 PM, whichever you prefer.  While people think this workshop is good community outreach, we do it mostly because parents normally buy at least one thing while they're in the store.  They also have to deal with associates trying looking for leads and measures.  If Kid's Workshop wasn't a great resource for growing our sales, we wouldn't be doing it.  

The sun did come out yesterday afternoon and I got things done.  Grass seed was planted.  Twigs, sticks and branches were picked up.  I took the small Samsung TV off the wall in the training / computer room.  It still works, even though it's over 15 years old, so I'll see if I can find someone to take it off my hands.

I have a list of chores to do today.  I'm hoping the sun comes out again.  That would be nice.  Sadly, according to Accuweather, the day's supposed to be dreary.

I'm thinking this show looks very good. 

I will have to go to the post office today to buy stamps, a pack of 12 probably.  I rarely send things through the mail, but occasionally stamps come in handy, like in mailing my ballot for this years Primary.  There are a lot of Democrats running for all of the positions and they've all been sending me fliers.  The one thing that stands out among all of them is that they all claim to have stood up to Trump, or the MAGA cult.  One of them, Jenelle Stellson, is going after the insurrectionist Scott Perry in a very public way.  Whether it will help her or not, is something the voters will have to decide.  

We don't have open primaries in Pennsylvania.  You can only vote for your own party.  Democrats have money.  Republicans have Trump, so I'm wondering if they're candidates are mailing as many fliers.  

And, speaking of the Orange Anus, only 10 days to go until his first criminal trial begins.  Prepare yourselves, he's going to fly completely off the rails because he's going to have to sit in the courtroom through the proceedings.  This is Karma on a grand scale.



  1. I can't wait for the first CRIMINAL case against Mango Mussolini to start. He's not going to be able to do play his tricks then. Popcorn!
    And I just told Netflix to let me know when that series is available later in April: boys and ghosts? Sign me up!
    And we had snow yesterday. for like, two hours. Weather is unseasonably chilly, though...


    1. We're supposed to get flurries tomorrow, no biggie. And Dead Detectives is based on a graphic novel series by Neil Gaiman, the guy who brought us Sandman.

  2. Oh, man, that show looks good! But towards the end of the preview I saw it's not available until the end of the month. Waah! I was hoping to watch it tonight.

    1. Sometimes you really have to wait for the good things!

  3. I await his meltdowns and lies, followed by the Fox News meltdowns and lies, and finally the MAGAts meltdowns and lies.

    1. Oh, my yes, this is going to be so entertaining!

  4. Kids' workshops are a good idea. When I was taking patchwork lessons I of course bought all my fabric and supplies from our teacher. She was giving different courses most nights and I reckon she probably made her money moreso in those evening classes than during the day!

    1. That's possible. I'm sure teaching skills can be quite lucrative, I know people who teach English as a 2nd language make out like bandits.
