
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Trump cuts the Cheese

 It's Saturday, and that means I get to go to work.  As you might guess, that means the clouds are going to dissipate and the sun will shine.  Temps are predicted to climb into the upper 60s (F) and that means the grass is going to grow.  With all the drizzly rain we've been having, Tuesday is probably going to turn into a mow day.

I'm rather pleased to say that I accomplished much yesterday, including a ride on the bike.  I also, after cleaning the oven, roasted a nice piece of corned beef.  I prefer roasting over cooking in a pot with cabbage and potatoes.  I don't need the soupiness of corned beef and cabbage.  My tastes run more to the Reuban, though not necessarily the sandwich.  Corned beef with sauerkraut topped with a nice chunk of Swiss cheese is just as tasty, especially if the cheese is melted.  Yum!

My new availability is going to be effecting my movie nights because on the days I work, I won't get home until 7.  We prefer shows that start before then, of course, I can always head right over to the theater from work.  This week I'm scheduled both Wednesday and Thursday.  Next week that's not the case, and I'm also scheduled off on Saturday, which rarely happens.

And my passport arrived yesterday.  It's different than the last one, more plastic and a lot more seals, the imprinted kind, not those that eat fish.

I found this to be downright hysterical.

One of the things presidential candidates do is try and present the most appealing image to the voting public, and this is done by rallies, by giving speeches, and make public appearances.  Trump's campaign interference trial is turning that approach upside down.  He's no longer able to hit the necessary fund raisers because he now has to sit in a courtroom.  The public was never given this sort of up-close and personal look at the Spawn of Satan, until now.  One of the things we're learning about him is that he likes his naps.  He nods off daily.  I don't know about you, but if I was on trial for breaking a serious law, I'd be paying close attention to the proceedings.  Not Trump.  He just dozes off.  And yesterday?  He had a problem with flatulence, what we colloquials call "cutting the cheese."  From all of the memes I've seen, it must have been truly moldy cheese.


  1. Trump cuts the Mumster!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!! I didn't think the dump was smart enough to tell voters to fo vote by mail or absentee. I bet the rest of the gop weren't happy about that. But more and more vote by mail. It's to the point i know some who would only vote by mail now instead of in person.

    1. Somehow I don't think it was muenster, in fact I don't think he eats anything other than processed American cheese.

  2. I love that he's endorsing mail-in voting after all hsi shrieks and whines from 2020.
    And hsi whines about how cold it is in the courtroom; you'd think the chill would keep him awake.
    Lastly, I imagine courtroom observers trying to get seats on the opposite side of the room from the Cheese Cutter.

    1. You do know that's a sign of his desperation, meaning his internal polls are telling him what he wants to know.

  3. He probably slept thru most of his term in the White House and his Staff were likely grateful for when he wasn't conscious. Perhaps his Defense Team is drugging him? *LOL* It would be the only way to ensure he doesn't say something stupid and make a spectacle out of his Trials. I have seen it mentioned often Online that he has a smell about him, whether flatulence or body odor, incontinence or whatever, he reeks apparently. When you're a rotten person to your core, I guess we shouldn't be surprised about that.

    1. Now that we get to seem him during an actual work day, I totally agree with you.

  4. The odious and odorous bastard is most likely eating foods to make him gassy so he can stink up the courtroom. Deliberately eating beans, broccoli, onions and radishes and gulping down orange tang.
    Isn’t use of poison gas a war crime ?!
    Just add that to his crimes, the crim that keeps giving. :) -Rj

    1. Beans? Broccoli? those are far too healthy for the Orange Anus.

  5. US passports are really lovely! I remember when my kids got theirs renewed how nicely done they were compared to the British passports (which are now a yucky blue after Brexit)!

    1. They are rather fancy, and I do feel I should fill it up with stamps from all over the place.
