
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Gladiator II

 Hello, people!  We have rain.  Lots of rain is coming our way.  In fact, it started last night and has been steadily raining since around midnight.  The temps are warm, in the 50s (F), though they're predicted to drop and by later this afternoon and evening it's supposed to be cold enough to snow... a tad bit; basically flurries will arrive and depart.

My shower was installed about 17 years ago, it's fairly spacious and has a seat which I used when I was experiencing back issues.  About a year ago, I noticed that the door was beginning to stick at the bottom.  No problem, I just had to lift the handle a little and the door easily opened, until 2 days ago when lifting no longer worked.  So, I had to give it a push, and the metal frame along the bottom of the door came loose.  Kneeling to examine it, I realized that the screw that was supposed to hold the frame in place was missing, so 17 years ago the door was installed improperly.  Damn.  Since this late in the game there was no way of fixing it, I took the door off and put in a shower curtain on a tension rod.  It looks better than the door, and is just as functional and is a lot less expensive then spending $7 or $8 thousand on a new shower.  The old, glass door will go out in the trash next week.

I went to see Gladiator II last evening.  It was very good, though, thanks to improvements in CGI, much more violent.  What Ridley Scott has given us is far more realistic to the blood sports which used to take place in the coliseum.  And, even though everyone is talking about the hotness of Paul Mescal, it was Denzel Washington who easily stole the movie.  I can see a supporting actor nomination heading his way.

And I have to say, I feel so terrible for the people of Greece now that Kim Guilfoyle has been named ambassador to that great country.  This woman is dumb as a brick.  She's an embarrassment. Her clown face is befitting the clown circus the Orange Anus is building.  The more I see things like this happening, the more I see the fall of the Republican party.  You can see the signs in all of the cracks that are appearing.  In the shooting death of the United Healthcare CEO, in Elon Musk's ascendancy as the evil emperor of Earth, and in the election of the Orange Anus himself.  You can see it in the desperation of Christians who have embraced Orangey.  There is no benevolence in this party, only greed and selfishness.  The Republican party thought the NRA and the 2nd amendment would arm their party, what they've done instead is arm the American population, and at some point, out of fear for their own lives, Republicans will attempt to take those guns from the hands of Americans.  I suspect their fall will be swift, and probably painful.



  1. KG’s face would scare the fiercest beast in the Coliseum.

  2. The Republicans have built themselves a house of glass and the magas will be the ones throwing rocks. Shards for them, and like a house of cards, collapse !

  3. What a slut. I cant stand here. I also saw where Lara Trump is stepping down from the chair as the RNC...and will run for the Senate. You know damn well that was set up...too back stab Rubio and get her in.
