
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

DEI hires

 So the forecasters were wrong yesterday, we barely cracked the 30 (F) degree mark.  The sun shone brightly most of the day and that helped get rid of the snow, but temperature wise we were still cold.  Today, if they are hopefully correct, out temps should climb up into the mid 30s (F).  Tomorrow?  If we're lucky, we will hit the 40s (F).  That will seem like a heatwave.

I got pretty much done yesterday, including a decent cleaning of the big aquarium in the writing room.  On of the Greek statues has been removed and is waiting to be scrubbed clean.  I've had that tank for a while and enjoy it, however it's not glass and scratches easily when you're scrubbing algae from the sides.  So, I'm thinking of either downsizing to a smaller tank or getting rid of it completely.  Possibly, I might get rid of the big tank and move the 30 gallon tank from the living room there.  I've been mulling over these ideas for a while, all I have to do is wait and see which one comes to fruition.

I do get to work today.  Can you read the excitement in my words?  Home Improvement retail is a good barometer for reading the general public.  You can tell which people pay attention to what is going on in Washington from those who are... detached.  For example, if I was an Asian working in the United States who wasn't here on an H-1B visa, I wouldn't spend $3000 on new blinds for my house.

And yesterday was big for Howie!  He got a new box of toys from Chewy!  It was part of a buy 4 get one free deal.  All of them are made by Kong, which means they're going to be very durable.

And a Christian Nationalist is now in charge of America's military, one of the greatest military forces in the world.  Old Petey Hegseth has never managed any more than 100 people at a time.  He is also a man who will do what ever the Orange Anus tells him to do.  We can only wonder how long it will be until the United States invades Greenland.  We can only wonder how long it will be until he makes a catastrophic blunder which causes the entire world to sanction us, because that's going to happen.  Also, for those who don't know, Christian Nationalists are not at all appreciative of other Christian Faiths, so how long do you think it will be before, oh, let say the Episcopalians get attacked.

It's my understanding that individuals considered DEI hires in the Federal Government are being let go, not surprisingly many of them appear to be Women of Color.  The faster they get dismissed, the fast the unemployment rate goes up.  Believe me, that sucker is going to go so high people are going to believe it has wings.


  1. Howie hit the jackpot!
    Can the federal workers sue for wrongful termination, I wonder? And how naive was I to think drunkface wouldn’t get confirmed?

    1. I don't know if they can since the Orange Anus canceled the EEO.

  2. To be the outcast of the world. Have other countries come to defend the Greenland from us I wouldn't blame them one bit. I don't know why he is so held bent on wanting Greenland?

    We had a VIP event at the store so I was joining you in the workforce today. And the store is absolutely insane. The last 3 weeks business has been very good for us. And we're not even running the sale.

    1. Greenland is very rich in heavy metals, the type used in batteries, the kind Elonia craves.

  3. I may be being dim here, but how do you know that someone was a DEI hire? Do they have a special budget or code on their contract? I'm not being flippant, I really am curious!

    1. There is no way, so right now it seems that people of color, especially females are DEI... oh, and women in general if someone thinks they were hired because of their gender.
