Now I'm too young to retire and get full benefits, and when the Social Security Administration saw how much money I make they sent me a 'ho ho' letter. You know what I mean. "Ho ho ho, with that salary you must be joking." Very politely, they informed me they would monitor my wages and if they dropped below a certain level, well, then I might be eligible for benefits.
Well, my back healed itself... that's right, no surgery, and I'm back at work full time with no issues, and I'm still retired.
Tuesday, while I was having lunch with a friend, I received a phone call which I didn't answer. I never answer calls from an unknown number, I figure if it's important enough they'll leave a message. When I got home I check and there was a message. From the bank I no longer use. They said I needed to call regarding an urgent financial matter. So I called. Social Security had tried to deposit a check into that closed bank account, and, of course, it was too late to reopen that account. Yesterday I went to the Social Security office and change my banking information. I have to call next week to get them to release the check.
Evidently that 4 months I was off last year dropped my earnings level enough for me to become eligible for a one time payment. Isn't that nice? I have no idea how they figure these things out, what they look at, what exactly is taken into consideration. But, I will tell you, that check is for over $5000. Ain't that sweet. I am happily retired, even though I make too much money to be retired.
da hell? happy to hear you didn't get the back surgery.