
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Social Conservative Porn

Saw an interesting bit in the LA Times this AM regarding James Woods, the crazy to the Right has been actor.  Evidently he announced his retirement from acting, one of the reasons given was his difficulty getting hired because of his... political views.
And, for those who missed it, yesterday, a 70 year old, white, social conservative published his version of Christian Porn.  Yep, Jeff Sessions published 25 pages of the stuff.  Evidently he "consulted" with a  Crazy to the Right Legal team in an attempt to legally cement their hatred towards... well, everybody who doesn't believe what they believe.  The second after publication members of the LGBT community started shouting and waving their red flags, however it effects so many, many more people. because it lets people who have certain beliefs say "no."  This Sessions' porn allows them to inflict pain and suffering simply by saying "it's against my religion."  One's own personal beliefs become the caretaker of discrimination.  If you're a minority, any minority, they can refuse to serve you, to provide help in your times of need.  This Sessions' porn allows certain people to look you in the eye and say "you have no worth."  It gives them the ability to ostracize whomever they choose.  For example, say you just happen to be a straight, Catholic couple who go to a baker who happens to believe that Catholics are phony, that they're false Christians, that baker can refuse to bake their cake because he believes they worship idols.  This Sessions' porn not only opens the door for legal discrimination, but for legal segregation as well.

And, of course, there are voices out there saying that this porn lacks specificity, that because of its generalized details, this thing will be tied up in the courts for years.  That's precisely what these haters want.  You see, they don't mind waiting until the Idiot Jerk in the White House loads the courts with enough like-minded haters who will constitutionalize and legitimize this hatred.
Vote Blue.
Vote Blue.
Take back control.


  1. I can't wait until we find out that the Keebler Elf has a mistress, or a mister, on the side. he's got that hypocritical GOP better than thou attitude.

    1. Actually, I think he's more of a black robe, black candle kind of guy.

  2. Replies
    1. That sounds a bit unsafe, how about we force them to sing Hare Krishna and dance around in circles...

  3. This thing dropped yesterday into the wake of the Cheeto in charge making messes out of two disasters all in one week isn’t surprising. Weasel Cowards always wait until everyone is eith distracted, fatigued or both to release this disgusting crap. He’s hoping it gets overlooked.
