I tried to stream a little of the debate last night, To my surprise, most media outlets were streaming... updates, rather then the debate itself. It was just Sanders and Warren and Mayor Pete and Beto. One of the headlines I saw this morning was "What ever happened to Beto?" Well, I've said this before, he needs to go back to Texas and win and election. Tonight it's Biden's turn... oh, and there's going to be some others on the stage as well. This needs to change soon.
I rode the Meteora route yesterday... in Greece. It's a short, 5 mile, great ride. my pulse hit 193 at the beginning, which is super high. Normally it sits around 126 when I ride. I think that's because you start off in the town, and like every 3 or 4 seconds you turn, and you're going really fast. The pace is neither casual or slow by any means. Shit! Once I started climbing, which is about 3.5 miles of the route, my pulse dropped back down to my normal riding pulse. Interesting, huh? The same thing happens if I'm riding along and suddenly another cyclist pops up close to me. I don't like it when someone is chasing me.
Anyway, I get to go back to work today. Can you feel my excitement.
I also bought a workbook to help me learn my Greek alphabet. What I find really interesting at first was that it sounds a lot like Latin. And then I thought... duh. The Greeks colonized Italy and took their language with them, along with their gods, and democracy, and a lot of other stuff. This means that the root language for Latin is... Greek. Which is why some things are Greek to a lot of us.
Look at all those names ending in 'A' |