When you hit middle age you really only have two choices: you can get fat and lazy until you roll over and die, or you can can get off your ass and do something, like maybe ride a bike.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Think About It
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Something Big
Yesterday was interesting. I was the only specialist at the Flooring Desk; they still haven't replaced the specialist who resigned. Having been in HR, I know this is saving them money, and sales in the department are not hurting. I doubt very much if there's any sort of rush to fill the position. They have hired a full-time evening aisle associate. He will be trained to handle many of the duties of a specialist which solves a large part of the problem.
Biggie goes to the Vet today. As you might expect, his cough is completely gone. The last time he'd been there, they'd asked that he 'fast' before his next visit. They're going to be disappointed since the only way he takes his meds is with food.
I've been slowly going through the process of filling out the paperwork with Barnes & Noble to begin publishing with them. When publishing through Kindle Direct, you agree to not publish through any other outlet for a year. This means I have 4 books in the Eli and Max series that can now be sold through Barnes & Noble. I'm running each of them through the Word Editor for a finetuning.
Been hearing this song on the radio a lot. We Are Who We Are. Can anything be more truthful?
Monday, August 29, 2022
Republican Blackmail
Well, I get to go to work today. That fact is sweetened by the fact that I will also have the next 2 days off. For those who don't know, life is about balance. The more we keep things on an even plain, the happier we are.
Even though the forecast claims we have 0% chance of rain, the sky outside is heavily overcast. A little rain would be nice.
I got a lot done yesterday, including a 2.5 mile walk through Herculaneum. It is not nearly as tourist friendly as Pompeii.
Twitter gave me headaches yesterday. First of all, I got a message I was being locked out for sending threatening or harassing Tweets. There was no example, but not knowing what else to do, I clicked 'next.' A few minutes later telling me that there was suspicious activity on my account, and I was being locked out for them to verify. Shortly after that I got a warning telling me there was no email attached to my account. Well, shit. How could that be when I'd been verified? So, I tried signing into my account and got a warning: wrong password. Suddenly, there's no email attached to the account and the password I've used since day one is wrong. Son of a bitch! What did I do? I set up a new account. Easy Peasy. No problem. What happened to my old account? I have no idea.
Looking out my front window this morning, I saw that my elephant ear plant had been devastated. As you can see in the picture, the culprit was still nearby. This is what happens when you live in Bunny Hell.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
The Age of Empires is Past
Holy Crap! Did I sleep in late this morning! That was not my intention. I even went to bed early 10 PM, however, this morning when my alarm went off, I went back to bed. Damn! Not exactly what I wanted to happen. Good thing I didn't have any early morning plans.
While the coffee was brewing, I check the mouse traps - nothing. so, the one I caught may have been going it solo.
And yesterday, since the little laptop was once again working, I added another 45 minutes to my walk through Pompeii. Interesting point, for the first half of the 5-hour walk, the guide was popping in lots of subtitles regarding points of interest, now, however, as I approach the end of the walk, all he does is identify the houses by name which is disappointing.
I made strawberry French toast for breakfast. It was rather tasty.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
I hope everyone is having a good weekend, those that aren't working, and for those that are, may the hours pass fast.
Here in Central PA, yesterday started off great, much was being accomplished and I was feeling quite satisfied until mid-afternoon. And then? Son of a bitch. I was preparing to continue my walk through Pompeii, had my cute jogging sneakers on, the Senso earbuds hanging from my shoulder, however, when I went to turn on the little laptop connected to the TV the old familiar screen didn't pop up. Nope. I got a blue screen and an error message:
Friday, August 26, 2022
Fiery Brandon
I don't know about you, but I'm grew up thinking the week actually ended on Sunday. You know? Having to work for 6 days before reaching that 7th day of rest. Think about that for a second. We were never supposed to have 2 days off in a row. Never. Only 1. And even then, Sunday was never supposed to be anything like Funday.
Anyway, Lily had to go potty outside around 0100 because she doesn't go before climbing the stairs and jumping on the bed. As she was outside doing her late-night business, I checked the traps. Success. One mouse down.
Yesterday, work was meh. I had a young couple who'd had a measure done for laminate flooring. The estimate came back much higher than they were expecting, mostly because they didn't have proper dimensions, so the estimate was off. They will some of the last customers to get an estimate. We are using a new procedure called SAM that no longer gives an estimate. Believe me. Estimates are almost always off. Sometimes big time.
One of the main reasons I'm on Facebook is the USS Constellation page. Pictures get posted which help people understand what life was like on an aircraft carrier. Here's a berthing compartment similar to the one for Division 90, CIC (Radar), the only difference being we had a green floor and green curtains. This was taken when we were in port. At sea, the overhead lighting was red.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Penises Everywhere
Say hello to Thursday in the mid-state. That's what we call Central PA around here, of course every state has a mid-state as well as a north and a south. I'm curious as to what happens in one of the north or south states when something happens in the north, or south. Do they say north, North Carolina or south, South Dakota?
Yesterday was a good day. Much was accomplished. It was also the anniversary of the Vesuvius eruption which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum. One of the media outlets, perhaps it was ABC had a headline about the eruption saying 20,000 people had perished. That number is not correct. As soon as the ash started falling people began to leave. They were not stupid. They didn't huddle in their houses in fear. They left. Most people today don't know that there was a Plinian eruption prior to the pyroclastic flows (6 altogether) which lasted almost 20 hours and buried the city in almost 9 feet of ash. There were only around 2000 people left by the time the actual eruption happened. Being buried in ash is why the city is so well preserved.
On my treadmill, I'm over halfway through a 5 hour walk of Pompeii. Funny thing: At first the tour guide mentioned phallic symbols as being prevalent, then he called them members, now he just zooms the camera in so you can see them... all of them. There are Penises everywhere. This is a picture of a bakery; I did not take a picture of a penis. Many of the ovens had a penis in the brickwork above them. Scholars believe the Pompeiians thought the penis was good luck.
Of course, Biden signed an Executive Order yesterday on student loan debt. Republicans went through the roof. The smart ones know this move was pure politics. Mitch McConnell may have been the only one to point this out. He's a selfish, lying sack of shit, but he isn't stupid. 75 days from the midterm elections? How could you not think otherwise. As for the debt forgiveness part of the order? It may come to pass, if it ever overcomes all of the legal challenges that are going to be thrown up against it.
And, not too surprising, Trump's amateur hour attorneys had their second attempt to file their silly lawsuit thrown out again because they don't know what they're doing. The judge actually told them where to find an example they can follow in order to try and get it right.
Finally, from Newsweek, the documentarian who testified before the January 6 committee had a little Q & A on reddit. Things we learned: he can barely stomach Trump. Eric's terrified of Donnie Jr. Donnie Jr and Ivanka are just like their old man. Trump is obsessed with his appearance and always wears a lot of makeup.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Good Gosh, it's Wednesday
Good Gosh! It's Wednesday. If you're in a 5-day work week that began on Monday, this is your Hump Day. However, if you're semi-retired like me, or are fully retired, or just don't have to work, then tomorrow, Thursday, is your Hump Day. Because of the schedule I've set up for myself, I will always work on my Hump Day.
Yesterday morning, as I went to start the coffee brewing, I saw mouse droppings behind the coffee maker. That's means it's time to set the traps again.
I called a made an appointment for Biggie at the $$$ Vet yesterday. He still has his cough, but it's not nearly as bad as it was, still, he needs to get a shot or two so I figured he might as well get checked out. Because he's a dog, and he has a cough, they're treating this as if it were Kennel Cough. This means I need to call them when I arrive, and they'll let me know when an examination room is ready. You can bet there's going to be $$$ in that wait.
As I was preparing to suck the dust bunnies from under my futon, I snapped this picture of Lilly with her own bunny.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Don't we have enough trees?
Well, my mid-week weekend has begun. For some reason, I seem to get more accomplished on a Tuesday and Wednesday then I did when my weekends were the standard Saturday and Sunday. Perhaps the idea of not working has become so ingrained with those 2 days I usually end up frittering away the hours rather than get anything done.
One the things getting done today is a trip to the bank. I closed out an old 401K I'd had with the orange retailer I work for, and the check arrived Saturday. The taxes have already been taken out, so it will be deposited into the regular savings account. Since taxes are always going to be deducted, I figured the Federal Government might as well get their money now.
Another thing I need to do is call the Vet and make an appointment for Biggie. He needs his wellness checkup. I was going to put that off until November because they want him to fast (like that's really going to happen) so they can check his sugar. But yesterday morning he developed a dry cough and since he is approaching his senior years, I want to get him check out.
I found a better picture of Max Sullivan, the namesake of the smartass in my books. It's old and grainy, but it's easy to see the smartass in him.
Also, McConnell sort of, well, kind of went on the attack saying there was no election fraud, or rather he said the was very little election fraud. This was after Florida taxpayers spent $3.9 million so Ronnie De Santis could give them 20 instances. Keep in mind, those incidents did not include the Republican fraud that happened in The Villages.
And, finally, this bit of political hilarity. From the Washington Post: Which Republican candidate is the worst? Who do you think? While many believe Oz is the most incompetent? "His across-the-board incoherence remains unmatched," says a lot. And I do believe this was before Walker, talking about Climate Change, said "don't we have enough trees?"
Monday, August 22, 2022
Just Leave It
I saw an interesting piece in the New York Times titled Mike Pence is Spineless. I wondered how many Americans came to this conclusion a long time ago. Any aspirations he has in running for the presidency are simply delusional. No MAGA worth his weight in shit will ever vote for him and the line of Democrats queuing up to vote for him is still empty.
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Follow the Money
Another lazy Sunday has arrived. Since I'm scheduled to work, however, I can't just laze around. For about 7 hours I will be at the Flooring desk. Sunday afternoons are usually slow. Luckily, I'm not scheduled to work alone so conversation will help pass the time. Most of the college kids who work the summer have gone back to school, meaning staffing is bad. Payroll accounting dictates you don't begin to hire any replacements until they are gone. Paying a seasoned associate and a trainee to do the same job is bad business. Supposedly, they have hired an PM associate for flooring, but until I actually see someone, I'm going to bridle my anticipation. Oh, and if anyone is wondering, the Haitian has moved on. An interesting thing about him: his last name was Jules, and one of the recurring characters in my books is a Frenchman named Jules Laurent, so when I was talking to him, I was having a conversation with Jules.
My high school graduating class had a mini reunion on Friday evening. I didn't go. I say mini because my class was 286 strong and only about 17 showed up. Whomever is in charge is either not communicating well enough, or there's simply not enough interest. I'm betting it's the interest. While I wouldn't mind meeting up with some of my class members again, my life has moved on so much from high school. There are not a lot of cherished memories, perhaps because I never truly fit in. Not that I wasn't involved in a lot of extracurricular activities. I was. The Drama Club, the Spanish Club, the Bowling Club, the Astronomy Club, a member of the Yearbook Staff, I was one of those who wrote the cute, little captions that went with the pictures, and the blurbs that went besides every Senior's picture. The activities were fun, but none were gamechangers for my life.
Today's picture comes from when I was in Paris. Notre Dame, pre burn, of course. What you can't see are the small group of young men who were standing to my right. They were taking pictures, too, holding each other upside down. You know, that's what you do when you're young and in Paris, hold your friend upside down so his feet are pointing up in the air and have your picture taken in front of Notre Dame.
Saturday, August 20, 2022
The Jolly Holiday
Here in Central PA, temps climbed into the low 90s (F) yesterday. The forecast is the same for today. And, whereas Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday had been very productive, yesterday turned out to be not so much. I laid around, sometimes passing the hours by watching obscure YouTube videos. What a waste of time.
Lily had her cake and ice cream. Loved it. Boxers are considered big dogs, not large dogs, except for Biggie whose weight puts him in the large category. Being a nine-year-old big dog, Lily is now officially a senior citizen. I've just started her on 150 mg of Carprofen to help whatever minor discomfort she might have. Jumping off the bed can be an issue for her, depending on how she lands. The stairs, not so much of one, yet. And as she gets older, I will probably spoil her more than she already is. Here's a pic of her bowl of cake and ice cream.
Friday, August 19, 2022
Damage Control
Today is Lily's Birthday! Nine years old! Like Biggie, who has arthritis in his hips, she too has started taking her time sitting down, so one of her presents this morning was 1/4 dose of his doggie nsaid. Later this afternoon, the real celebrating will begin with cake and ice cream. Vanilla all around.
And yesterday was another day of accomplishments! Productivity. Chores that need to be completed are getting done. One that desperately needed to be started and finished was the trimming of my holly shrub out front. I've been putting it off for so long mostly because I didn't want to stand on a ladder using the trimmer. But... now it's fully trimmed, and there are 5 bags of trimmings sitting on my front porch. Once a month the township does lawn waste pick-up, they will disappear then.
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The shrub |
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Bet you'll never guess where I bought these bags! |
I'm almost half-way through my five-hour walk of Pompeii. One of the many things I've learned: the town wasn't completely covered by the eruption, so after it was over survivors and looters went back and broke through the roofs. They were evidently very polite, because after they'd gotten what they could, they'd paint "house dug" on the building so no one would waste their time looking for things that had already been taken.
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Pleas and Testimonies
So, I slept in this morning. Well, that's if you call starting to rise and shine at 0630.
Lily was restless last night; I had to let her out twice. Now she's sleeping on the sofa in the writing room, and when I go downstairs for coffee, she gives me one of those looks that try to guilt me into thinking I'm disturbing her. She should know by now that doesn't work. Tomorrow's her birthday. She'll be 9 years old. That means cake and ice cream. I know that even if I tell her today, tomorrow it will still be a surprise.
A few years back I bought a Lenovo tablet that came with a charging dock, rather than a plug. It looked great, and sounded great, and could definitely handle the tasks it was intended to do; however, it was a terrible purchase. It needed to be perfectly vertical in the dock for it to charge. Since the dock was made to let the tablet sit at 2 different angles, charging didn't always take place and the battery life was about 4 hours. The table was cheap, but it was also a piece of shit, and I ended up using it as a clock. Yesterday, it died. The bezel separated from the back cover by almost 1/4 inch. Piece of shit. Now it's trash.
I've put The Elden Ring onto the back burner, while I liked playing it, I prefer games in which your experience levels you up. So, I bought a copy of Cyberpunk 2077, it's an RPG / shooter. The game was released too soon, there were so many glitches, CD Project Red was forced to give refunds. That was over a year ago. Quite a number of patches have fixed the game. For those of you on the naive side, this is the game which starred Keanu Reeves. Sadly, one of the patches fixed the glitch where you could have sex with Keanu. Disappointment was felt by all. Oh, and this is what video games look like now. Warning to you sensitive types, this clip has language and violence.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
We Call this a Veggie Tray
Hello Wednesday, August 17. We now have little over a month left of summer. As Maddie noted on an earlier entry, the season has not been bad for us. No scorching temps in the low 100s, (F) just a few days where they climbed into the upper 90s (F). There were also a few days when the humidity was so sponge thick my T-shirts felt like clammy saran wrap draped over my shoulders every time I went outside. But, other than that, the weather's been quite reasonable. And lucky us, daily temps climbing into the low 100s (F) our not foreseen in our future, at least not for the 30 years. However, a number of Republican held states do not appear to be so lucky.
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From the Washington Post |
Yesterday was a day of accomplishments. Grouting on the new tile surface in the kitchen was done, though not completed. I need more grout. Laundry was done. Some yardwork was done. I started a 5 hour walk through Pompeii; I had no idea the town was that large.
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crudité? We call this a veggie tray |
So, you shouldn't be surprised to find out that the NRSC (National Republican Senate Committe) has pulled its funding for ads in PA. Yepper, they're not going to buy ads for Oz.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Sydney and the stolen election data
I'm heading into a work free week beginning today. The store will not see my happy, smiling face again until Saturday, and then only for 6 hours. The department has been rather understaffed lately. I've helped by giving up some of my free time, something I'm not fond of doing. They still have to hire a specialist to replace the one who gave his notice, and then showed up for a few hours on his last day. Another associate, as I mentioned before, fell off a roof. He's scheduled to be back at the desk on Thursday, with his shoulder in a big cast; that's going to put a damper on his texting. The Haitian we hired to be an evening aisle associate has also stopped showing up for work. He told us he followed his own schedule rather than the one written for him. I do hope his personal schedule lets him know he's being terminated as a 'no call, no show.'
They were predicting rain for yesterday, and what we got was the occasional shower. So, last evening I was out with the hose watering my plants.
When I got home from work yesterday, my neighbor's brother was at the house. Since they're going to be throwing everything out, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't picking through things. As I'd said, Dirty Dawg had been there on Saturday to give them a quote and evidently it was more than they were wanting to pay, otherwise that house would be empty. It will be interesting to see how the family proceeds.
And Rudy Giuliani is going to be indicted, at least that seems to be how things are playing out. He's before a Georgia Grand Jury today. I wonder if he's going to be sweating hair dye.
Monday, August 15, 2022
Republican Death Knell
Sunday, August 14, 2022
The Truth
Can we get a nice 'hello' for Sunday morning? Unlike many of you, I did not sleep in, though the dogs are still lazing away. When I walked into the bedroom to pull open the drapes, I got one of their 'it's 6 AM on Sunday morning, why are you up so early' looks.
My neighbor's 2 children and their families were here yesterday to help her pack up and clear things out, at least that's what I thought they were going to be doing. I stayed out of their way. I avoid intruding into the personal issues of others. Dirty Dawg showed up to give her an estimate for emptying the house. She's going to throw everything she doesn't want away. Dirty Dawg is expensive, I used them to clean out my mom's things from the senior living facility. In the end, they packed up the belongings she wants to keep and drove off. Her plan is to sell the house as soon as possible, which means dirt cheap, and move into an assisted living facility near her daughter. However, there are problems with the house. Nothing was done in the form of upkeep. Whereas I have a full basement, she has a partial basement, with half of it being no more than a crawl space, and both basements get water. The future will be interesting.
My neighbor across the street did give me some good news yesterday regarding my elephant ear plant. She grows them, too, though she keeps her in pots on the side of her patio. She told me to just chop off the top in the fall. They winter well in Central PA. That's what she does, and her pots stay outside year-round.
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Trump is now a Flight Risk
The temps outside were a crips 57 (F) when I woke up this morning. Nice. The central air is off. Windows are open. This is nice. This afternoon's high is predicted to be around 83 (F). Tomorrow, we're in for a treat. Temps are supposed to be in the mid 70s (F). Of course, I understand this is but a brief respite. We're not even halfway through summer. Temperatures will climb.
Last evening, I tried going into the old Rosetta Stone French course I purchased a long time (11 years) ago and got an error. Server could not be reached, try later. The German works, but not the French. So, I sent them an email. They responded in German. Interesting. The French was just for review, if you don't use it, you lose it, though I may well continue working on my German.
A character is disappearing from The Body Under Ice. Cal Glenn, who originally had a much larger part to play not gets a mention. This happens. The side-plot he was involved in is no longer necessary, in fact, it has become a drag. Cal is still going to get a mention. But rather then have Eli and Max talk to him, they will now read the St. Ignace police report.
Oh, and wasn't yesterday a jolly good day? John Fetterman had his first campaign rally since having his stroke and it was packed.
Friday, August 12, 2022
The Stuff of Dreams (and nightmares)
Finally, Friday. Because I'm kindhearted, I voluntarily worked 6 consecutive days this past week. Rousing myself from bed this morning, the likelihood of that happening again is rare. Perhaps if 2 of the shifts hadn't been from mid-morning to midafternoon I might feel differently. Those 2 days played havoc with my schedule. Now it feels like I'm going to be playing catchup for the rest of the weekend. That's catchup... not ketchup.
Weatherwise, the temps are predicted to be in the comfortably low 80s (F). The outside temperature was 67 (F) when I got up. That's nice. Windows are open to let in the cool morning air. We're almost halfway to autumn, and the changing of the leaves.
I watched the last episode of Moonhaven last evening on AMC +. The show is a quirky, science fiction / mystery though I don't know if it's going to get renewed. I also watched the first couple of episodes of The Sandman. That I liked. Lots of language. Some violence. And Tom Sturridge in the pivotal role. I can only wonder if he's really this thin.
Thursday, August 11, 2022
That's not how this works
So, today is my 6th consecutive day of working. Since I have a lot to say about my scheduling, this will the last time I work so many days in a row. This week has been so out of sync. My laundry schedule is off. So is my cleaning schedule. After today, I will have 3 days off. I'll work Monday and then have another 4 days off. That's a schedule I can live with.
While I've gotten well over 10,000 steps in each day, I haven't been on either the treadmill or the bike in over a week. Another casualty of my schedule. Damn.
If the forecasters are correct, our temps are supposed to drop, with highs in the mid to upper 70s (F). I can live with that, too. Even though this has not been a hot summer, I will admit to looking forward to the crisp cool days of autumn. The only bad thing is that days get shorter. I do like long, sunny days.
My elephant ear plant is getting bigger. What a disappointment that it took so long to start growing. They bulbs do not winter, so I will have to check and see what'll happen if I dig it up in the fall.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
The Price of Loyalty
Wednesday, and it's the last day that I volunteered to cover for the associate who fell off a roof. Only 5 hours. Yesterday's shift was slow. I cut some carpet. The rehab, refit, redo of the flooring department has been delayed until November. However, we do have customers coming and checking out the rolled carpet since most of it is now on clearance. Once it's gone, it's gone. That is something we are all looking forward to.
Last evening, being cheap night at the local AMC, I went to the movies. Bullet Train. Probably the best way to describe Bullet Train is to call it an over the top, action, thriller, comedy which deserves its R rating (violence and language). There is no high drama here. I liked it. Not just because two of the characters were brothers, one named Tangerine and the other Lemon, or because one was black and the other white, or because one of them was played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Brad Pitt is in the movie, too. He plays a hired thief who replaces another hired thief who called off sick. Every bit of dialogue is important, so you need to pay attention. Oh, and there too many cameos to name.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Well, can we get a cheery hello to Tuesday? Storms are predicted for this afternoon. After they pass through our temps are supposed to drop, not that they've been super high - 2 or 3 days in the upper 90s (F). I did have to water my little garden this morning; everything is baking.
Work was slow yesterday. The associate who fell off the roof wasn't injured as terribly bad as I was led to believe. I saw pictures of him yesterday. I'd been told his nose had almost been ripped off, wrong. He has four stiches on his left nostril. Had I not been told he'd fallen; I'd have thought he'd been involved in a rockum sockum bar fight. His shoulder is broken badly enough for them to put in a lot of pins, which means he'll be sitting at the flooring desk when he's not in physical therapy for the next few months.
An acquaintance emailed me a picture of a room he'd decorated all in white. While I didn't gag, a wave of somber disappointment washed over me. White has no personality. It's a blank canvas anxiously waiting to be painted. So, I sent back this picture saying bold is the way to go. And dogs help.
Monday, August 8, 2022
I woke up this morning to the scent of skunk. What a way to begin Monday, a work week in which I'll be spending over 32 hours at the store.
Update on the associate whose hours I'm covering (slightly). He didn't fall through a roof; he fell off the roof of a ranch house (his son said 9 feet). His nose was cut (left side) and stitched, and he broke his shoulder. He'll most likely be back at work next week, but he won't be hoisting any cases of tile for the next few months.
Update on my neighbor's wife: she came home yesterday afternoon. I didn't run over and talk to her. We were never that close. She wants to sell the house, but I've been seen how fully the dining room is packed with... stuff. Unless she pays someone to come in and haul it away, it's not something that's going to happen in the next week or so.
I worked 8 hours yesterday, and believe me, they were a very long hour. I talked to a couple about blinds. I did get 2 measurements and a lead on a curtain installation. No, we don't install curtains or drapes. We sign people up for a consultation with Kirsch, a company that handles 'window dressings.'
My late summer roses are beginning to bloom.
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Falling Down
So, I went to bed early last evening. As a result, I got up earlier than my usual 0600. I have no problem with that. More time to get things accomplished before I head off to work.
And, speaking of work, I volunteered to put in some extra time this week. Rather than have Tuesday and Wednesday off, I will be working 5 hours each day. As I'd said, one of our associates gave his notice - well, he's gone. Yesterday, when I got to work, I discovered that another associate had a bit of an accident. He fell off a roof... and lived. He sent pictures. I didn't ask to see them. From what I've been told, his face is all stitched together, and he now has numerous pins in his shoulder. He told management that he would be back to work on 8/18. I doubt if that date is any good. Maybe September 18, and even then, he'll still probably have his arm in a cast.
Otherwise, yesterday was slow, not a day of accomplishments. John Fetterman did Tweet out this pic of one woman's opinion of Dr. Oz. Notice the finger. He's sort of falling down in the polls.