
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Grab Your Popcorn

 The forecast for today is sunny, though cool.  We're in for another day in which the temps might crest around 50 (F).  Tomorrow it supposed to be warmer, and on Tuesday, my day off, we're supposed to hit 65 (F).  That will be good.  I do need to get outside and start with the yard work.

My schedule for the next week is odd.  They have me starting early on Thursday and late on Saturday and Sunday.  I would rather have my mornings free and work a little later in the evenings, at least during the spring, summer, and fall.  Winter, when it gets dark early?  I could probably give up work entirely.

This afternoon, I'll be dropping off the old ceiling fan from the workout room as well as the little A/C unit I bought last year at a friend's house.  Having less stuff is good.  Not that I'm planning on turning into a Spartan, but as I look around I can't help but think about all of the money I've spent on things that really weren't necessary.  Take that Instant Pot I bought.  I've used it 3 times... maybe 4.  Not a sound investment.  I'll have to see if my nephew and his wife might want it.

 Here's a pic of my daffodils and all the tulips pushing through their winter blanket of leaves.

And I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying all the MAGA blustering that's streaming across the airwaves.  These people are blowhards from Hell.  I can't even imagine what kind of insane thoughts are going through their heads.  Their threats of him winning in 2024 by a landslide are absurd.  They don't understand that the MAGA mind is out of kilter with the rest of America.  One loopy loser said that the sex tapes on Hunter Biden's laptop are worse than anything Trump did.  That's right, he said sex tapes.  The lying will only increase as their desperation grows.  Sit back and grab your popcorn.


  1. Popcorn is at the ready!

    Daffodils and tulips are going to be so pretty in your yard!

    1. It's a shame they only last for a few weeks.

  2. God if I got back every penny I've wasted on stupid stuff I'd be a gazillionaire! This week I'm dropping off an ice-cream maker (never used), a bread maker (used once) and a rice cooker (used once) at the charity shop. Rice cooker????? Did I think I was opening a Chinese restaurant or what????

    1. I have all 3 of the above and do use them on occasion. The instant pot? It will make a nice gift.

  3. What love about this latest bit of Thing 45 and GOP bull shiz, is listening to the GOP saying, on one hand, that the Democrats are doing this to take him out of 2024, and then on the other hand saying this will make him the winner.
    Talk about ranting out both sides of your ass.

    1. Evidently the House Republicans are at a retreat in Florida and they're terrified this is going to tear apart the party. Oh... Joy!
