
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sympathy for the Devil

 So, we have a sunny Saturday morning here in Central Pa, which is nice.  Temps are in the low 40s (F) for right now, however things will begin to cloud over, and about the time I head off to work the occasional showers should start to fall.  They're not expecting any deluges, those will come on Tuesday.

I talked to my sister twice yesterday, once around the noonish hour to wish her a happy birthday.  She's younger than I, but old enough for us to laugh about our ages, and we do laugh.  And it's not that we're old, we're not, but there there are people who look at our age and think of us as old.  We laugh at them.  I suspect too many people look at their accumulating years with a "woe is me" attitude, who look at their dwindling years with dismay, wishing there were a way to add more.  And then there are those who simply resign themselves to the inevitable and just sit back and wait.  I feel sorry for them, for their decision to give up so much.  

And I did get a lot accomplished yesterday: a nice ride on my bike near Salzburg, some cleaning, some writing, some emailing.

David, my narrator are going back and forth via email on how long of a break does a comma require.  I want barely a pause, perhaps a shift in tone, a variation on inflection, and the actor in him claims that a comma indicates a change of thought.  I will win out, of course, since I'm in charge of the purse strings.

And one of my cactus flowers is blooming.  Here's what it looks like this morning with the sun shining in on it.

And this is Easter weekend.  I'm only slightly curious to see what the Spawn of Satan, Donald J. Trump posts on Truth Social tomorrow.  Perhaps an AI generated photo of he and John Eastman tacked up on crosses next to Jesus.  Notice, I said next to Jesus since we all know that Trump would have to be front and center.  

Yesterday, he posted a picture of Biden bound and gagged in the back of a pickup truck.  He will get worse.  He knows that his cultists will dismiss his Hush money, Porno trial, it's not going to endear him to Centrists in this country, those swing voters essential for him to even come close.  This is why he's trying to delay, delay, delay.  I do suspect this is why he is working as hard as he can to break his Gag order.  I don't doubt that in his Adderall demented mind, he sees getting arrested for contempt of court will swing the sympathetic vote in his direction.  Stop Laughing!  You have to remember this is why he projecting himself as the injured party.  He wants your sympathy! 


  1. I just know that with the news thatBiden raked in $25 million last week, and Hair Furor has to sell shoes and fake Bibles to make the coins to pay his "lawyers," he is about to lose his shiz!

    1. No doubt the reason he (or one of his henchies) posted the pic of Biden in back of the pickup truck. Everyone was talking about Dark Brandon and the Orange Anus showed us his stupidity by trying to go darker.

  2. The dump will be tacky selling the Holy Book of Myths for his fee.

    Meanwhile, some gardening clean up continued and a trip to the farmer market...packed to the gills. It's nice to see the vendors doing so well...though I stroked when I got the price of my lamb.

    1. I've started some clean-up, and I thought you knew Lamb Chop was never cheap!

  3. Some people do indeed give up, don't they. Maybe it's ill health on occasion, but sometimes it's just a hard rut to get out of!

    1. And sometimes, and this truly disappoints me, is that some people just get lazy; it so much easier to puddle away their last years than do anything.
