
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Voting Republicans Straight to Hell

 And so here we are on another quiet Sunday morning, some people are sleeping late, not me, though I did laze around for a little bit longer.  The sun is shining bright in through my window.  Lily is sleeping on the bed.  The temps are predicted to rise up into the 60s (F) this afternoon.  We have 16 more days until Spring arrives.  And soon... the end of Daylight Saving Time.

Yesterday, work was slow.  Not that I wasn't busy, I did deal with the occasional customer.  I have flooring installation ($6,000) that should be going through today.  And I got 2 measures from customers who had I had talked to previously.  That does happen on occasion.  Sometimes people need to go home and sort things out, look at their finances and decide if they're going to spend the money.  So, I had 4 measures last week, beating expectations.

One of the things I learned from my visit to the eye doctor was that my corneas move.  Both of them. They move a little when I blink.  The result is that sometimes they will feel very dry, hence the drops.  I hate eye drops, and this is not a daily thing.  Sometimes I go months without them feeling dry and scratchy.

Stevie Nicks is coming to Hershey.  I'm not going.  She was good with Fleetwood Mac, however, I was not overly impressed with her solo career.  Out of curiosity, I did a search on her and was surprised to see that she's 75.  I didn't think she was that old.

And there was an interesting interview in the NYT with Isabella Rossellini this morning.  I follow her on Instagram and she is fascinating.  She turns out to be very interesting.  Besides acting occasionally, she lives on a farm and raises sheep.  We're the same age, and honestly, while I think I do quite a lot, working a sheep farm is not something I'd have any interest in doing.

One of the things Republicans have whined and complained about for years was that Democrats managed to achieve their goals through activist judges.  Thinking this was they way to turn a very Centrist America conservative, they managed to stack the Court in their favor.  They forgot one big thing, however: that the vast number of decisions the Court reached when it was more Centrist appealed to a majority of people.  Of course, Conservatives never really think about people; they want one thing, to tell people how to live their lives.  As a result, there were shocked when, after the Court flipped on Roe v Wade, Americans started running to the ballot box.  In 3 conservative states Americans have voted to enshrine abortion rights in their state constitutions, and Conservatives, with their tiny minds are, themselves, flipping out.  They never understood that just being in charge is enough.  And they are never going to learn their lessons.  This court, by delaying Trump's immunity decision, is another example of Conservatives not understanding the American people.  Instead, they have given Americans just one more reason to go to the ballot box in November and vote Republicans straight to Hell.


  1. That’s what I’m hoping for!

  2. The GOP doesn't get it, and they never will.
    Of note, you talked sheep farming and then the GOP who are sheep.

    1. Okay, so I guess that means it's time to shear the GOP.

  3. I love Isabella Rossellini's Instagram. Just listening to her calms me. I've been a longtime fan of hers.

  4. Well today 3/4/24 the un-supremes have said no state may remove Trump from their ballots. Watch the un-supremes do back-flips to try to get Trump in the White House come November, I would not put it past them. :( -Rj

    1. I expected that since he has not been found guilty of insurrection yet.
