
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Tuesday.  The skies are overcast.  Temps are in the mid 40s (F), and they're predicted to get warmer.  Supposedly the sun is going to be coming out later this afternoon.  I am waiting.

I got almost 2 miles in on the treadmill yesterday.  I was pleased, but I didn't come close to getting in over 15,000 I walked on Sunday. 

Today feels like a low energy day.  There are things that need to be done, like laundry, and cleaning the aquarium in the living room, and I know I'll get them completed, but it's going to take a bit of oomph.  Is it the lack of sunshine?  Perhaps I should put special lighting throughout the house so it looks summer.  In less than a week we will have passed the shortest day of the year.  I can not wait, then days will start to lengthen and, hopefully, there will be more sunshine.

Yesterday was fairly meh at work.  Time passed slowly.  Left over appetizers from the previous night's store party were in the refrigerator, including salamis, bolognas, and cheeses, so I snacked away a lot of the time.  You'll notice I said appetizers.  That was the popular word when I was young.  For a number of years people would add cut up veggies so they changed the name to crudité.  Now they call it charcuterie, which is just another name for appetizer.  No one wants to call them hors d'oeuvres any more, though at one time that, too, was the stylish lingo.  The first time I saw hors d'oeuvres I pronounced it whores divorce, and was asked why a whore would want a divorce.  Here's a pic of... well, you can call it whatever you like.

And I saw that another Democrat judge has unretired.  Of course, this flips out the Republicans.  There's no way they can force their authoritarian government upon America if Democrats refuse to retire.

Also, the Orange Anus gave some sort of rambling press conference... yesterday?  The press is still sane-washing whatever he says, even though it makes no sense.  He talked about the drones over New Jersey; now isn't that a great title for a super hero movie?  And he talked about his beloved tariffs.  And there were other things mentioned that simply don't need to be mentioned because his ramblings are simply that, totally lacking substance.

Up in Canada, Trudeau got a smack in the face as his finance minister suddenly resigned.  From what I understand, she was furious that he went to Mar a Lago so unprepared to deal with the Orange Anus.  I might have quit, too, if I were her.  The only thing Orangey understands is power, so, when the first word out of Trudeau's mouth was "hey," Orangey and everyone else at the table treated him like a fool.  I'm not doubting that Trudeau thought he was going to be treated to charcuterie, and what he got was crudité. 


  1. You could even say he got a whore’s divorce!

    1. This is true, but I like the French Canadian version.

  2. I sometimes eat just a board with charcuterie if Im not hungry for a whole dinner.

    Glad the weather is getting more mild this week ,what with the new living room windows coming for install on Thursday.

  3. Whore's divorce! That's the best name!

  4. HAHAHA Oh I'll start calling them that! (I like 'appetizers', also).
    And I despise the MSM and the sanewahsing of Cheeto. He's absolutely not fit to be president. Really.
    I can't believe Trudeau fell for the stupidity.


    1. The MSM has really gone south. Part of it, I think, is that they want to be the first to report the lies.

  5. The Cult will always find his ramblings to be the utterances of God.
    They are that stupid.

  6. My family just stared at me this week when I mentioned getting the charcuterie out but it just means prepared meat products (dried meat etc.) and I don't know any other word for it. Like crudités just means raw, so usually veg. I guess they think I'm posh now!!! And yep it looks like Trudeau is going down but then Freeland also should not be let off the hook just because she resigned!

    1. Over here, a charcuterie board is never, ever just meats. I would have thought Trudeau would have known better. The fact that he went down to Mar a Lago first is embarrassing.
