
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Donny and Elonia Show

 It's Thursday.  Outside temps are in the mid 30s (F), and they're predicted to rise in to the lower to mid 40s (F).  Tomorrow night they're calling for snow.   Not much, a bit, possibly half an inch.  A little more than we had last time.  Some people are all excited.  Honestly, it doesn't phase me one way or the other.  I don't mind shoveling snow, for those of you who don't know, snow Nature's way of giving us all free cardio!

Yesterday was a fairly good day.  I moved onto the second Greek lesson while I putting in almost 2 miles on the treadmill.  Since this was the first time for this chapter, most of it went over my head.  I'm going to need to go in and do the flashcard that are part of the course.  I usually write them down, since the written word is very important.

I also had lunch with 2 friends I haven't seen in about 10 years.  Our conversation was lively; we share a keen interest on a number of subjects.  Conversing has always been one of the joys of my life... probably because I'm a "talker."  Being able to converse with intelligent people who can opine without opinionating is simply wonderful.

Oh, and I finished The Body in History last evening.  This morning I want to print off those chapters not already printed and begin the rewrite.  Do I always work off of a hard copy?  The answers are yes and no.  I like the ability to pick up the manuscript and make notes, but I also enjoy the convenience of sitting at my writing laptop recreating my original vision.  The final draft is always a combination of both.

For those living under a rock, Elonia shot down the government spending package that was designed to insure our men in the military would continue to get paychecks, at least until March.  Sorry, Elonia is not First Lady yet, and needs to be put in her place.  Main Stream Media is reporting that Trump shot it down at the urging of his allies.  I wonder if they're afraid of putting blame where it belongs.  One of the reasons it was shot down was because Elonia wants another tax break, that's the only reason he Trump wants the debt ceiling raised.  For those dense Conservatives out there, the government has not paid for Elonia's last tax break.  And it's not as though Elonia cares, none of the billionaires the Orange Anus wants in his cabinet care.  America is growing more and more angry, except for that minority group who desperately want to worship Orangey, not that either he or Elonia understand that.  They are of the mind, like every Conservative out there, that all they have to do is yell "shut up!  I'm in Charge!" and America will just roll over.  Sorry guys, it ain't gonna happen.


  1. Congrats on finishing The Body in History!
    And you know Elonia is dog walking Mango Mussolini. DonOld has always needed a 'handler' (his dad, the Mafia, Vlad, Elon).
    A true oligarchy.


    1. An America is paying a lot of notice to the shit show.

  2. Let the games begin!!!! I also saw where Musk and the dump threatened any Republicans who vote the wrong way on this bill will find themselves with primary opponents in their next elections. And yet they still don't see the dictator tendencies coming out and will eventually affect all of them. Dumb shits.

    I myself am enjoy my day off while my three new big living room windows go in. It's amazing to watch them.

    1. And Plan B died, which means they have to get C right or else shut down the government, which will make them look bad.

  3. I hope fElon continues to push Dumpty to make decisions that will piss off as many people as possible. Maybe when Republican military people go without a few paychecks they'll start to wake the hell up to what they've done.

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the accidentally falls out a window.

  4. Congrats on the Greek lesson and treadmill activity but a big whoop whoop for finishing The Body in History. Nicely done.

    1. With the Greek, I have to write it down, otherwise I will forget it. And now the editing begins with the book.

  5. I cannot wait to see these two pasty flabby illiterate pricks go after one another.

    1. Maybe we can get a new game going: Billionaire Bashing!

  6. I'm still plugging away at my Italian lessons and while I don't like learning "without the grammar", I must admit the older stuff is starting to sink in. In any case, I'll never have to work in/write it so I guess for the most part it doesn't matter, does it. Well done on keeping up the Greek!!!

    1. Really, all I want to do is understand it and speak it without too much of a broken accent. Also, learning a foreign language is excellent brain food.
