Why do I say it's more then it's worth? Because every exercise they have given me to do, I can do at home for free. And it's not as though there is a lot of supervision, you know, like someone is hovering over me to verify I'm doing the exercises correctly (and I do get billed per exercise). Two of the therapists are very good with observations, 3 are okay, and then there is this Blondie who walks away, maybe to get herself a beverage or perhaps talk to the receptionist.
Anyway, my point is that so far my therapy has consisted solely of 'core' exercises: leg abductions and variations of crunches, to strengthen my 'core' muscles. Interestingly enough, I could join LA Fitness (or some other gym) for $100 and pay $30 per month ( access to a trainer is a little more) and get exactly the same workout / therapy. That high cost I'm paying for my Physical Therapy would easily cover 3 or 4 years at a gym. You shouldn't be surprised if I tell you I've already begun checking out gyms in the area. So, unless my doctor says different, I'll probably start posting pics of the hotties at my new gym.