
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Boogering with America

 Yesterday we had snow.  Today we have rain.  The clouds are supposed to be a passing thing, at least that's what forecasters are saying.  They're claiming that this afternoon a little sunlight is going to leak through before the winds arrive.  Yes, we're going to get windy.  And the temps are supposed to drop again.

Yesterday I got my butt on the treadmill again.  It's been a month.  I hit my step goal and reviewed the Greek language.  I also managed to get in a bit of ho-hum time, of course that's somewhat misleading.  I have Howie to entertain, and like a 4 year-old child he does need to be entertained.  He's a Labrador Retriever.   We play fetch at least 4 or 5 times a day, and I don't mean for few minutes.  Our fetch sessions run between 20 and 30 minutes.  I throw one of his toys and he retrieves.  He loves it.  

Yesterday I discovered I was making a big financial mistake.  I bought a high-efficiency, front load washer last year.  One of the settings is Quick Wash.  It only takes 25 minutes for a load of laundry.  However, and this is a big however, when you use Quick Wash, none of the sensors are used.  It doesn't measure the weight of the clothing.  As a result it just dumps a lot of water into the tub, not as much as my top loader did, but then that tub was bigger.  No matter how much clothing is being washed, it still dumps in gallons, and because the tub is smaller I'm washing a lot more loads of laundry.  And then yesterday I got my water bill.  All those quick loads added about $20 to my bill.  So, I'm back to doing normal loads.

And I did attempt a chicken souvlaki in the crock pot yesterday.  It was terrible.  I'm calling it a learning experience.

And of course, the entire world is laughing at this.

Honestly, it is still beyond me that this... extremely surreal press conference even took place.  I can't look at this without laughing.  This was like watching some terribly bad 80s sitcom without the laugh track.  I know that everyone in the world laughing at Orangie pissed him the hell off.  He had only one recourse, to put himself in charge of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.  This means we can say "hello," to month performances by Kid Rock and the Village Person...oh, and probably the occasional dramatic reading by Kevin Sorbo.

And, no doubt, sometime in between the kid picking a booger and his saying "you're not the president, you don't belong here," Orangie and Elonia etched out a deal for the Federal Government to buy $400,000,000 in armored Tesla cars.  So, I'm wondering why DOGE isn't on that wasteful bit of spending?   

Inflation went up.  Prepare yourselves, it's going to go higher.  Unemployment is going to go up.  All of those people Elonia is firing will need to find jobs in the private sector (can you hear me laughing?)  Who in their right mind believes that corporations are going to increase their payroll expense?  And all of these cuts in expenses?  They're not going to benefit you.  They're going to go to giving the !% another Tax Break.  I do believe we're at an inflection point.  


  1. Another day in Crazytown. That caption is perfect. Watching Elon try to be flirty with the media was beyond sickening. Will Americans become numb to it, or will enough people hit hit with a reality check?

    1. Numb? I don't think so. Inflation isn't going down. Farmers are pissed. And Conservatives are still clueless.

  2. Oh, we have a sunny day but three inches of snow on the ground with a high of 21 degrees. Yay.
    And that presser was an unmitigated disaster. But you KNOW the MAGAts will find a way to justify why the kid told Cheeto exactly what we are all thinking: he's a useless figurehead.
    And you know the corruption will go unmitigated. Ugh.
    I am preparing for the inflation. I'll go on a darn diet for four years.


    1. Buy cheap bulk if you can, and not Amazon. There are companies out there who try to compete, like Boxed, and Nuts. com.

  3. I was so "shocked" to see the headline about the Federal Government buying $400,000,000 in armored Tesla cars. Not even one month in and it feels like a decade.

    1. Shocked, you say? Shocked? Elonia denied a report a few weeks back that this was going to happen.

  4. I just saw RFK Jr got confirmed...because of fucking course he did. We are FUCKED.

    1. Only the unvaxed. This shit show is turning into a diarrhea dance.

  5. "wondering why DOGE isn't on that wasteful bit of spending? " This is what happens when they have removed checks and balances. This country is going to be left in tatters.

  6. Stand strong, stand loud, stand firm, and vote every fucker from office.
