
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Weathering Out the Storms

 Say hello to Tuesday.  We started the day with overcast skies  and cold temps, it's only going to get worse.  Snow will be moving into the area this afternoon, and overnight we've been told to expect around 4 inches of the white stuff.  There might be a dash of wintry mix (sleet and freezing rain) thrown into the mix to make it exciting.  We could possibly think of it as the icing on the cake.  I'm not planning on leaving the house today, so I'm not particularly worried,

Yesterday, a non-work day for a change, was sort of productive.  I began working on cleaning out the big aquarium.  There's going to be a radical change in that one.  The Greek statues have all been taken out, and the little bubbler volcano bubbled its way into the trash.  Some of the plants are gone as well.  Keep in mind, all of the eye candy we put into aquariums is for our own pleasure.  The fish simply don't give a rat's ass, all they want to do is swim around, eat, and poop.

Breakfast bacon and egg... just one egg.  The last egg in my refrigerator.  Will I buy more eggs?  Probably not.  I do have a large can of powdered eggs that can be used for cooking, and for making scrambled eggs.  I am not going to spend $7 for a dozen eggs.  They are only a necessity in some people's minds.  

Something new and unique has been included in The Body in History: poetry and lyrics written by me.  It has not just been blogs, and books, and plays that I've written.  In my archives there are approximately 2000 poems and 50 some songs that I wrote in recorded; both make an appearance.  Those who emails I have will get a copy of "Mistake 37," a song I wrote way back in 2005.  Now, how's that for awesome!

And I told Six that I was originally going to publish this pic yesterday, but opted for that super delicious cake I baked.  So, here it is today.

Of course, everyone is concerned about the tariff wars the Orange Anus is starting.  He's doing this out of sheer stupidity and greed.  There is a trade deficit.  What that means is that we import more from other countries than we export to them.  He feels there should be more of a balance.  Sadly, the products he wants them to buy are more expensive than the same products they make.  It's quite possible that his tariffs on steel and aluminum will shut down the auto industry in about 2 weeks.  That will so many people out of work it will devastate our economy, not that he and Elonia, and all the other billionaires he put in charge are worried.  They think they're rich enough to wait it out.  They're wrong.  Wall Street does not like Chaos and this decision by Orangie will lead to chaos.

I'm wondering, with all these freezes Orangie has put in place, how high is the unemployment rate going to go?  Not that he cares.  Again, this is another storm he thinks he'll be able to weather out.


  1. The Giant Fucking Up of America continues ....

    1. And will continue for the foreseeable future.

  2. Doesn’t take a PhD in economics, does it, to see what impact this maniac is going to create?

  3. Oy yes.
    It's going to get cold and snowy. It's actually below twenty here and it's not even going to get to thirty today. People are telling me tomorrow will be snowy, snowy, snowy.

    And severn dollars a dozen??? I don't eat eggs too often but that's ridiculous! And I guess everything will shot through the roof. And you are right, the rich don't give a shit because they can wait out any economic disaster. People who live on a limited income/paycheck to paycheck are going to scream. Many MAGAts will say it's 'necessary'.
    And I love the pic of Samuel L. Jackson as Uncle Sam! I cackled all through the show. Watched it again today on Apple. LOL.


    1. We are headed for an economic disaster that will make the 1933 depression look like a walk in the park.

  4. All the work that binds Administration did with getting on employment down, the lowest it's been in years is about to be shot to hell in a matter of months.

  5. No I thought my mother told me she just bought eggs and I thought she said she paid 599 for a dozen. Because she said on the news she saw eggs for 11 and 1299. Neither her or I have seen those prices yet. Of course we have the neighbor who brings us eggs from her chickens. We always try to pay her and she's stubborn, she won't take the money. So I will often share my baked goodies with her or homemade breads. It's like the old barter system

    1. The last time I was in Gian t, they were $6.99 a dozen.

  6. I shop at a local health/organic food store. A dozen large organic free range brown eggs set me back $4.75 yesterday. Same price it's been for years….
    Kris in Ohio

  7. Damn, has Naomi been plagiarising?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I like Naomi, she has so much depth for a shallow person.
