
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Retail Crush

 Can you believe the weekend has arrived?  Forecasters are calling for snow here, followed by possible freezing rain, though in may end up just being rain.  Forecasters have us getting about one half inch of snow.  The freezing rain will total out at possibly .03 of an inch, which, if we were sitting on a donut, would be considered a very light glaze, probably so light you'd be embarrassed to call us a glazed donut.

I left my barley cook dry while I was making my breakfast.  Blame Howie.  I was busy throwing his new pink octopus and wasn't paying attention.  I ate one bowl and then fed the rest of it to the birds.   My house now smells like over toasted barley, or well maybe that's not right, possibly light burned might be a better description.

My sporting laptop shut down in twenty-two minutes into a ride yesterday.  I was not happy.  This has happened before, and every single time it seems to have been triggered by an update.  Yesterday 2 (one from Garmin and one from Microsoft) downloaded simultaneously.  When it shuts down like that, everything is lost.  Boo.  Hiss. 

And now for something light.  I'm playing through Skyrim again, and there are 20+ characters you can team up with, let's call them followers.  Each follower will add a bonus to your skills.  Many of them will only add that bonus up to level 30.  After lever 30 the benefits no longer have any value and so they just tag along making silly comments.  Except for one.  Roggi Knot-Beard.  His benefits are good up until level 60.  So, I'd like you to meet my new follower.

I am scheduled to work today.  I don't know how busy it's going to be, since we are supposed to get a dusting of snow, though I can tell you we have been slow.  Because our customer footsteps are down, I was not surprised to see this graphic in Bloomberg.  This past January, retail sales dropped.

Is it Trump's fault?  Off the cuff, I'd say that a damn good possibility.  Unless you have a lot of bouncing buckos in the bank, I would not purchase any big ticket items for the foreseeable future.  This is terrible news for all of those retail giants who toasted Orangie's win, believing they were going to get both a big tax cut and golden sales.  Ouch.

And, in case any of you missed it, Orangie's team fired over 300 people who maintain our nuclear arsenal... and then quickly hired them back once they realized what their zombie brains had done.  I'd put money on the fact that this stupid team is anything but Woke.


  1. And yet the GOP and the Cult stand by and think him a genius.

    1. That's because he uses words 8 year-olds understand.

  2. Oooooohhh the stupidity. And being in Ohio, I’m now hearing more about the unhappy farmers who have been slapped with their new reality. No funding for them! First time around he did nothing for them, but they still loved him. Now it’s FAFO time.

    1. One of my comments on line was that if the farmers are unhappy, they should start using their tractors to block the roads like the farmers in France.

  3. All consumer spending is discretionary and markets do not like chaos. Anyone who backed the Orange Turd in anticipation of a healthy economy is too obtuse for words.
    Will Jay

    1. This is usually the case, but we live in a culture where unbridled consumption has been normalized, and as a result too many believe high credit card debt is common.

  4. Good morning Dave...I have stopped going to Home Depot and Lowes. They contributed to this mess with money they earned from people who will now be hurt. It's not personal to the staff and I am sure it's less than a drop in their bucket. Plan on the general strike on the 28th of this month...I enjoy your writings and opinions; straightforward and bang on...Best to you.
