
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Musk and the Nerdy Young Men

 Today's high temp is supposed to be in the low 40s (F), however, we are planning for a quick dip tomorrow.  Today we're supposed to have partly cloudy skies, tomorrow?  A mixed bag of precipitation including a little bit of snow flurries, and a little bit of ice, and a little bit of rain.  I'm off both today and tomorrow, so I'll get my shopping done today and then home-it tomorrow.

I did work yesterday.  I sold one of my installs and got a measure, otherwise it was very slow.  The aisles were empty.  To pass my times, I chatted with associates and got my laps in: over 12,000 steps.  My name was drawn for the Salesperson of the Month award.  The prize was a $25 gift card for the store.  I used it to get furnace filters and some seed starter kit.  I'm thinking of putting in a few tomato and pepper plants in my front yard along with the Dahlias, maybe create some sort of flowery, Veggie potpourri garden.

When I did get into work yesterday, I saw that they had put our DEI board back up... sort of.  All the information that had been there is once again posted.  However, the three words across the top, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, have been removed.  A majority of Americans don't realize how DEI works, however they are being fed a diet of racial hatred by a small group of white people who believe that unqualified  people of color are being put into positions of importance simply because of their skin color.  If that were the case, this country would be lurching backward guided solely by pandemonium and chaos and that is not happening.

Of course, the stock market didn't crash yesterday because the Orange Anus caved.  Reports coming in were that the crash on Wall Street was going to be brutal, a bloodbath some called it, and that scared the bejesus out of him.  Hearing him tell it, however, both Mexico and Canada caved.  We are oh, so lucky that president of Mexico, and the Prime Minister had the receipts to prove the agreements Orangie said he demanded had already been in place.  Even more amusing was the fact that the 10,000 troops along the Mexican boarder were already in place.  CNN talked about the Canadian deal, but I'm not aware of any other Main Stream Media outlet posting this information.  

And more and more Americans are hating that fact the Elonia is involved in dismantling the government.  People just do not want him and his bunch of young male henchies having access to their personal information.  And... just a quick question, am I the only one who noticed that Elonia's proteges are young, nerdy males?  The oldest is 24 and the youngest is, I believe 19.  Could it be that Elonia is revealing a certain preference for whom he wants to associate?  Is it because they think he's a god?  I mean, it does make one wonder, doesn't it?


  1. The Felon lied and tried to take credit for Biden's arrangement with Canada; he looks even more inept.
    As for Leon Skum, I'm thinking his days are numbered.

    1. You're right about Elonia, his usefulness to the GOP for dismantling the government is challenged by the rising anger of the American people. He might want to avoid rooms with windows in them.

  2. Ohhh so they kind of brought it back? Just no DEI on top of it. Sneaky. But the Orange Retailer has catered even to other languages (in Chicago you can see signs in Spanish). But they do know their clientele, depending on the location.

    And The Felon did try to spin a 'win' (the MAGAts lapped it up, cause he's you know, 'tough'.) He did see it was gonna be a shitshow and backed down. As all bullies do, then tried to paint himself as a winner. Asshole.
    I love how both Trudeau and Sheinbaum basically called him a liar.
    And wanna bet how long the romance with Elmo lasts?


  3. Canada and Mexico won’t take Trumpy’s shit antics. As for Elon Muskrat, he’ll just be replaced with another whore. :)

  4. At least they put some assemblage of the boards back up, but don't think any minorities working there won't notice the change. And how they are again second fiddle. I also chuckled yesterday when I saw the news, and they asked Trump what he thought of the dip on Wall Street. Of course he lied and casually said oh I don't follow the stock market daily. As money drifting as he is you know that's a lot of shit.

    And and Elon has all those young boys because they're probably all blowing him.

    1. I don't think people understand how truly terrible this is, not just for America, but for the world as well.

  5. I think the tariff BS was a distraction from the south African having access to the treasury with his little Nazis. It's like shock and awe...the people who want to know are not sure where to look. The south African is the puppet master and the elected felon is the puppet.

    1. I thought that, too, that the tariffs were just a distraction from what Musk was doing. It's difficult to tell how well it worked, not much by what I'm seeing. Musk is definitely pulling the strings and that's terribly bad.

  6. You best believe the auto industry and the building trades and all their lobbyists gave Trump hell over the phone about his dear tariffs against Canada and Mexico. They know full well the tariffs would damage them and their bottom lines more than Canada and Mexico.
    Any company that supports Trump have screwed themselves royal.
    Rex in DC

    1. I find it interesting that all these voters knew exactly what he was like and still voted for him. Seriously, a 78 year old man is way past the age of change.
