
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Republican Voter Fraud

We under a freeze warning of Monday.  So far, we haven't had a legitimate frost.  We shall have to see if it happens. They tend to forecast both colder and warmer temps then we actually get, I guess that's just the weather people playing it safe.  The last thing they want is to be accused of being wrong, as if that doesn't happen regularly.  

Some people were excited because yesterday was the end of their work week.  Not me.  I don't work Fridays.

It appears as though the intestinal problem I've had is finally over.  I tried the Imodium.  Didn't work.  Yesterday, I bought the age-old favorite:  Kaopectate.  Fingers crossed... that's seems to be working.  I slept through the night, a first.  There does, however, still feel as though there's a little savage jabbing his spear into the sides of my stomach, and the though of eating is not very appetizing.   I ate 2 pieces of plain toast and 2 scrambled eggs for dinner last night and they do seem to have worked their way through my digestive tract safely.

On Thursday morning I discovered that I had a leak in the bathroom.  Not being in the best of spirits, I thought I'd do a quick fix.  That failed.  The water drained down along the water pipe, dropping onto the kitchen ceiling, and creating a mess.  Had I been thinking correctly, I would have approached the problem differently, however at that time all I wanted to do was sleep.  I actually did sleep quite a lot.  The end result is that later this morning I'm going to be calling the plumber and making an appointment for Monday.  Usually I'm scheduled to work on Monday.  This Monday, however, I'm scheduled off for the entire day.  How lucky is that.

Here's a pic of Howie out on what I fondly call the veranda.  He's not quite 10 weeks old.

And how about that voter fraud in Lancaster county, Central PA?  Around 2500 voter applications were discovered trying to register phony people as Republican.  There is evidence that 2 other counties are also involved, and those counties have been notified.  And which group of people was targeted?  The Amish, that's pronounce ah-mish.  The registration applications were handwritten and dropped into a drop box.  For those who don't know, Monday is the last day in Pennsylvania to register to vote for this year's election.  Whispers are saying the incident is related to Musk's get paid to vote agenda.  That guy is such a dipshit.

Finally, like a number of other people, I cancelled my subscription to the Washington Post yesterday.  Some are saying this decision by Bezos hurts Harris.  At this point, I honestly don't think it makes much of a difference.  People's minds have been made up for some time.  And the print media?  They've been losing relevance for quite some period of time.  This decision will only help hasten their demise.


  1. Bezos can FOAD.
    And every time I read about voter fraud, large or small, it's Republicans.

    1. I think the only reason for the non-endorsement is Bezos is hoping for another tax break. And it is always Republicans.

  2. Howie is a chonk! Good luck with plumbing. I’ve had similar issues, ugh.
