
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, October 28, 2024

The Shit we Scrap off our Boots

 It was 35 (F)F when I let Howie out this morning at around 0500 and there was frost on my windshield.  However, this morning was the coldest in the forecast for the next few days.  This coming week our high is again expected to be in the mid 70s (F); that will be very warm for November.

I dealt with a really nice Indian couple yesterday.  Probably in their mid 30s, they're buying their first house. They told me something I didn't know:  that in India you are always barefoot because wearing shoes inside is considered very bad.  They carry that over here in the states, except they permit themselves to wear slippers, that they keep just inside the front door.  I don't know about you, but usually I only wear socks inside.  The only time I put on my shoes is when I'm going outside.

The Plumber is coming tomorrow morning.  Finally, I'll be able to turn on the water and do laundry.  I know some of you were probably expecting me to say shower, but I do turn it on briefly for that, but then I turn it off again.  Showering takes a few minutes, laundry?  The washing part takes at least a half hour, that means a half hour of drip, drip, drip.  Sometime this afternoon I'm going to try and remove some of that bad fix I put around the connect so he as free access

Yesterday I gave Howie a Tator Tot to see what he'd do with it.

And last night, in case any of you in America were hiding under a rock, the Orange Anus held his rally in Madison Square Garden.  Maybe I should correct that statement, even if you were hiding under a rock, I fairly certain that you've heard the fallout.  Wait, fallout is not a strong enough word.  Neither is backlash.  The alarms have finally begun to go off in the Main Stream Media.  Vile and vulgar are just two of the many words I've seen in my morning scans of the headlines, and these are big, front page, bold faced headlines, not those little things they used when they were sanewashing him.  I don't know if any of the main media outlets carried Trump's rage storm, but if they did, the average American got and eye and ear full of hatred, of unadulterated white supremacy, of racism, of bigotry.  I have this bad feeling that Trump and his allies believe that are terribly in tune with those of America.  Boy are they wrong.  They are worse than the shit we scrap off our boots.  I've said this before, and I'm going to repeat myself again, his Karma / Judgement is coming, and it's going to be bad because the gates of Hell are figuratively going to open for Donald J. Trump.

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