
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

The Super Nova of all Meltdowns

 The cold is upon us.  Well, maybe not cold, but chillier than it had been.  Our high today is supposed to reach way up into the 60s (F).  In fact, this will be the normal high for the next few days.  It is Autumn, after all.  These temps are to be expected.  I'm fine with them.

Yesterday did not go as planned.  During the morning, I realized that a nasty little bacteria had taken up residence in my lower gastro intestinal track, so I ended up calling off work.  That damn little bug made my life miserable through out the afternoon and over night.  There were times when I will admit to thinking I might have been infected with a Xenomorph. I am pleased to say, however, that damn nuisance has now been eliminated.  

As it was, I did do some laundry yesterday, but mostly what I did was nap.  I am napped out.  What will I do today?  Well, Howie no longer needs to be constantly watched to make sure he doesn't chew on something rather expensive, so I'm thinking I might get a short bike ride in.  

I have to drive to my neighborhood Giant supermarket to pick up a jar of non-chunky peanut butter.  Howie's getting a Kong today.  For those who don't know, a Kong is a hard rubber toy that you can fill with peanut butter.  It keeps puppies busy for hours.

And no matter how often I tell people there were lots of cats in Greece, they simply don't believe me.  When our group leader posted a picture of cats on Facebook, I thought, wow, this is perfect.  I can finally show people.  Now, this picture was taken on one of the islands, but it is not unusual to see cats every where.  At Delphi, our tour guide paused to take a bag of cat food out of her satchel and pour it into a feeding bowl as we walked to the front entrance.

Last night on CNN, Harris said she believed Trump was a fascist.  Of course, he flipped out.  That's fine.  When he melts down he says the most ludicrous things.  The words coming out of his mouth don't even justify being called a word salad.  When he melts down, he talks about Arnold Palmer's dick.  Or he dances.  His closing argument heading into the final days of the campaign is not about policy.  Nope, he's in pure attack mode.  He will be as racist as he can possibly be.  His vulgarities will embarrass swing voters.  Centrist and left leaning Republicans will either stay home, or vote for Harris just to punish him.  The references to Hitler?  You know it's bad when Republicans are trying to defend the most evil man the world has ever know.  And if he loses super bad?  Prepare for the super nova of all melt downs.

1 comment:

  1. He said yesterday that while he was president he stopped TWO WORLD WARS with France.
    And MAGAts cheered because they are that f*cking dumb.
