
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Decimating Mr. Moose

 Well, here it is Thursday.  How fast this week is flying by.  Weather wise, we went from sunny mildly temp days to cold and rainy.  We did get a layer of sleet and snow over night, but just a glazing.  Right now we have a drizzle, not heavy enough to see, but heavy enough so Howie comes back in the house smelling like a wet dog.  

As I expected, yesterday I didn't do much of anything except play with Howie.  I spent some time on Social Media, mostly Threads and Bluesky.  Because I follow the same people on both apps, there's a lot of repetition. 

My first editor gets The Body on the Lawn today.  I'm excited.

I also get to work today.  While the weather outside is not horrifically shitty, it is crappy, but not crappy enough for me to take a personal day.  Our store's inventory was today.  In the past, supervisors and managers were forced to stay until the initial figures came back, that no longer happens.  Where for me inventory meant a 12 - 14 hour day, it's now completed in around 6 hours.  One reason to go to work today is snacky food.  As I've said many times before, I'm a grazer, and because they bring in snacks, inventory day is a good day to graze.

So far, Howie has gotten three of the four toys I bought for him.  Ropey Fox is a little dirty, but otherwise still healthy.  Wally Whale is fine as well.  However, Mr. Moose has lost both his squeaker and his stuffing.  He has no interest in eating the stuffing, but he does love to leave it lying around.

As expected, the Orange Anus's plans to annex Gaza and deport over 2 million Palestinians crashed and burned badly.  The only ones finding joy in his plan were far right Jews, men and women just like Bibi, whose hearts are filled with hatred as well as an uncontrollable desire to expand Israel.  It could also be that Bibi knows Israel could not win an all-out war with Iran, so what better way to possibly insure victory than get Orangie's ass involved.  For those who don't understand, the mid-east is a cesspool of never ending conflict.  What I find fascinating is that a few days back Orangie made the statement that if anything every happened to him, the United States would obliterate Iran.  Then, a few days later, he comes up with this plan to annex Gaza.  This means that if the Mossad were to quietly take out Orangie the American people might find themselves in a terrible war.  

To be truthful, I don't think war would ever happen, at least not on the scale Bibi might want.  Nope, our real problem is Elonia.  He wants to be the first Emperor of Earth and he has no problem sacrificing half of humanity to get that job.


  1. Oh, if only they would take out Mango Mussolini!
    War would not explode, of course. But it would be soooo sweet!
    I don't know if Couch F*cker would like to have Elmo as president, though....
    The whole Gaza thing is outrageous, of course. And the world would shake. Cheeto said that to sound like a 'dealmaker'. We all know it's a grift.

    And Howie! Doggies LOOOOVE their toys until they are literally nothing.


    1. I understand Vance was bought and paid for by Peter Thiel, and Thiel and Elonia are billionaire besties.

  2. Sophie does the same thing with toys. She decimates them to get the squeakers out and leaves all the stuffing laying around.

    I don't think Trump or Netanyahu want to toy around with countries like Iran Iraq Sudan Egypt and the like.because if they joined forces they will level everything in their path. Hell they could probably wipe out Israel in a week. Although if one of the wanted to drop a surprise on the White House ....I wouldn't be upset.

    1. His Gaza announcement did take a lot of people by surprise, and he does have a touch of dementia.

  3. I've been offline for about 10 days (the electrician is here trying to put my nightmare electrical work right) so it was exciting to hear about your book going to the editor!

    1. I feel bad for you and your electrical nightmare. And this book? It's different. I like it, but then I like every new book that comes out.

  4. Howie is a big baby! He's really grown. George used to love spreading stuffing everywhere. Now that he's a grown up dog, I miss some of his puppy antics. Some, NOT all!

    1. He is a big baby, and no doubt as spoiled as George. And you're right about some of the puppy stuff, it's never fun being a chew toy.

  5. People would be too busy partying in the streets! Elonia & the VICE prez would have to arm wrestle for the top job.

    1. I was told today at work there are protests popping up all over the country. This is not what they want at all.

  6. Hello Howie!! Good luck with the editor. Hope all goes well and also hope you got some good snacks.

    1. Howie is a hoot. They had fried chicken, so it was more of a meal than snacks, still, fried chicken is good.
