
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Not in our DNA

 The new week.  Temps are predicted to be nice and warm today.  The should be in the low 50s (F).  Tomorrow they're calling for warm temps, though not as hot, with average temps being in the mid 40s (F).  Hopefully the weather will stay fairly warm as I suspect energy bills are going to go through the roof.

I did work yesterday.  A customer set up a measure.  Two other customers returned a book of roller shade fabric samples, they want to speak to the associate who's exceptional at blinds.  I wanted to say that now might not be a good time to spend a couple thousand dollars on blinds.  We also got word that on February 10, our free carpet installation is going to go away.  We will now charge .49 a square foot.  There was actually a charge for installation, it was in the cost of the carpet pad.  Now they have to pay for the carpet pad and the installation.  I think business is going to slow down greatly.

I canceled my subscriptions to Paramount, Peacock, and Amazon Prime this morning.  The Amazon subscription just renewed in November and they charge by the year, so I will still be getting the benefits for the next 277 days.  There was a time when the channel was worth the money, but now except for the few original movies, everything is rent or buy.  I did keep up my subscriptions to Disney/Hulu and Neflix for the time being.  

I've been trying to take selfies of Howie and myself; this can be quite difficult.  Here's our latest, Selfie #2

And today is going to be... difficult for some people.  There is a good possibility that Wall Street might crash because of Trump's tariffs.  Stock futures are not looking too good.  I do think many Trumpers thought that the shift to an authoritarian government, one that they dictate, would be relatively painless.  They are about to discover how wrong they are.  Sometime today, after Wall Street opens, their 401Ks will begin to suffer as stocks drop in value.  They will take years to recover, if they recover at all.  At some point protests will begin, first in blue states and then in red states as the general population begin to realize that prices are never going to come down.  Conservatives have never understood the American public.  They have always believe that all they needed to do was be in charge, to yell "shut up! we're in charge," and the American people would act like docile lambs and obey.  They simply don't understand that for a vast majority of Americans, that docility is not in our DNA.


  1. I still believe his core group of cultists will still bend over for him; they don't have stocks and they don't have 401ks and they don't really care about the price of anything as long as brown people are being herded up and thrown out of 'Murica.

    1. Yes, but that number is not nearly 71 million strong, and when push comes to shove they tend to be chicken shit cowards.

    2. Biden and the ‘Demoncrats’
      are to blame according to my magat relatives and it will take Trump and Vance years to repair the damage. They feel Trump should have more terms in office like FDR, even if it goes against the constitution. As for the economy they feel it’s no pain, no gain. :\

  2. I see Howie has not caught yet to the selfie! LOL!!!

    Seems prices and inflation are going to kill business everywhere. We have been taking what we can with the ride we've been on. Business has been good. But we both know once this really starts hitting the Republicans supporters, they will feel it. Like you, I just had new windows put in the living room, and I'm making double payments to get them paid off in the interest's free year.

    1. Interesting, I'm paying off windows, too. And I should have had a Puperoni in my hand, then he would have sat still.

  3. Aww look at Howie looking at you!
    And you know the MAGAts will not care that the country goes to hell. They'll be 'owning' the Dems and that's what counts in their book. Idiots.
    Cheeto will torn this country apart and sell the spare parts to his billionaire 'friends'. And I can totally believe what Anon is saying above: the people who voted for Mango Mussolini will not care the country is sliding into Fascism because they think they won't be affected. After all they're white...


    1. The people for Trump will start to complain if prices keep going up. And he's bound to fail. Howie was actually trying to bite my chin, he does that from time to time.
