
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Big News

 Well Happy Friday to everyone out there.  Here in Central PA, our temps are supposed to be moderately high, mid 80s (F) with partially cloudy skies for the Memorial Day weekend.  Wow! This holiday just sort crept up on me.  In fact, it's difficult to believe that the month of May is nearly over.  Time is just zipping by.

I did work yesterday.  Retail was slow.  At one point, our Operations Manager wandered over to the flooring desk for a nice little chat, during which he asked how long it had been since I managed the Front End (all of the cashiers).  When I told him 5 years, he said, "oh, that's not that long ago."  So I politely told him I had no interest in going backwards, and the thought struck me that perhaps I should start acting my age... Hell, that'll never happen.

And in sort of big news, evidently Target, Walmart, and Aldis have announced they're going to begin dropping prices.  This is what happens when you outprice yourself.  Of course, supposedly this is just food prices, Target and Walmart didn't say they weren't going to raise prices elsewhere.  I don't doubt that other retailers are going to follow suit.  The power of the dollar is not spending it when they want you to, but rather when you make the decision yourself.  

When I got home from work, my neighbor from across the street called me over.  She's a very nice woman who's basically a chain smoker.  I've talked about her before.  She was one of the co-signers of the will that was invalidated, and we had to drive around looking for a Notary Public in order to sign another document saying we were the original signers.  Anyway, she called me over and gave me some dahlias, that I shall have to plant out later this morning.  Right now they're sitting in a baking pan in my kitchen sink.

The Orange Anus had a rally yesterday in the Bronx and around 7 thousand showed up.  The population of the Bronx is 1.4 million.  That's a terribly big ouch when you realize just how small an area the Bronx actually covers.  We're not even talking minor mileage here.

There are a lot of funny stories about Nikki Haley's flip, one was that she's putting all of her eggs in the 2028 basket, thinking she has a better chance for the presidency then.  I know, it simply doesn't make sense.  By supporting Trump, it's not going to put her in a better position after he loses.

And the shocker that should have been expected was Clarence Thomas saying that with the Brown vs the School Board decision, that landmark decision saying black children needed to be treated the same as white children, the Supreme Court had probably made a mistake.  This is coming from a black man who would not be on the Court if that decision had not been made.  In case you haven't realized it yet, there is something seriously wrong with Thomas.


  1. I have those big dinner plate sized dahlias that bloom In the fall...the stems and stalks are huge already. I surmise they will bloom before autumn.

    A shame Thomas doesn't get impeached.

    1. I find it interesting that he can hate the color of his skin so much.

  2. Clarence Thomas going full on pro segregation was not in my Bingo card, TBH. Whoa. WHAT is SCOTUS??
    As for Orange Führer, he tried to show that people in NY support him. Yes, of course, because the rappers he brought on stage have a rap sheet as long as his. All for show. And a failed show at that....


    1. Both he and Alito suffer serious mental illness.

  3. Pretty dahlias! And was anybody really surprised at Nikki flipping? Certainly not me!

    1. Thanks! I did think she'd hold out a little longer.

  4. I guess people were right: Ginni is Clarence's wife, she's his owner.

    1. I can't understand how he can have so much disdain for his own race.

  5. McDonalds and Burger King are also supposed to be dropping their prices (not that I've been to either in years). Vote with your wallet is the only way to go!

    1. They are revising their forecasts because it turns out that shoppers have more power than Wallstreet.

    2. The shoppers have spoken :)
