
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Toot Your Own Horn

 When I climbed out of bed this morning the sun was shining.  Much has changed.  The clouds have come rolling in, and later this afternoon, or at least so I've read, showers are going to move into the area.  Temps will be in the low 70s (F) and that won't be bad, but these constant showers are making it difficult to mow my lawn.

Looking at my chore list for today, it looks like it's chock full of things that need to be done, however, the time involved for each chore isn't heavy on the minutes.  The longest is mowing the lawn, if the clouds don't decide to bless me with drizzles, and even that's only about 20 minutes.  I mow fast, though the height of the grass may slow me down, so maybe that should be 25.  None of the tanks need to be cleaned, but I need to run to the post office, and then to my local Giant supermarket.  That errand will consume the most time.

The area rug I bought for the living room arrives today.  I'd like to get that laid, but there are other things I need to do to prep for it.  I'm going to need assistance in moving the desk, unless I take all of the drawers out, then I think ;I can move it, but that's going to be a chore in itself, so I'm planning on getting that done next week.

Yesterday, retail was oh, so slow.  Believe me, it was a long 8 hours.  I did manage to get a small sale, and that's fine.  How good are my sales?  The other part-time associate has racked up $46,000 in the last 6 months, while I just topped $180.000, and I'm only $26,000 behind the full time specialists.  Believe me, I do let management know that, too.  Many years ago, I had an Human Resources manager tell me that you need to "toot your own horn," because no one else will.

And Michael Cohen was tooting his horn yesterday.

Evidently there was some concern that he was going to come across as a jerk, since most people view fixers as the underbelly of the beast.  Let's face it, working for the Orange Anus, Cohen has truly slithered his way through mountains shit.  Evidently, nobody likes him, except possibly his family.  He is not the loving Father Knows Best kind of guy.  But, to the prosecution's relief he was pleasant and well prepared.  he brought the receipts.  Cohen knows where the bodies are buried, and he dug up a few yesterday.  

I'm also seeing a lot of consternation from people who are looking at the polls and seeing Biden behind in many.  I find it fascinating that in many of these reports the cite how Trump over performed the polls in 2016, and how Democrats over performed in 2018, 2020, and really over performed in 2022.  Remember 2022?  When Republicans were predicted to smash whatever strength the Democrats had because, traditionally, the party that loses the presidency gains seats in both the congress and the senate in the next election.  Ooops.  Tradition was upended, so were the polls.  The truth is that polls will never recover the accuracy they once had, but news sources are desperate to create drama in order to generate the number of clicks advertisers want to see.  I hate to say this, but they are generating fake news, but it's not just Main Stream media, it's everybody.  This is what happens when you abandon truth for advertising dollars.  


  1. I have learned from you to not pay attention to the polls. The media floods every space with them whenever Uncle Joe is behind but there's not a peep when he's ahead. Idiots. Clickbait through and through.
    And Michael Cohen is not likable. He's a dick. He enjoyed working for Von Shitzinpantz. But he's got some receipts that may sink Cheeto.


    1. Media outlets are working hard to create drama because that's what sells. The publish little of the Moral Degenerates rants and raves because that would stop the clicks.

  2. Between the dump...Cohen, the porn star...and everybody else...its making quite the kangaroo court. Makes the country look soooooo good.

    1. I am amazed at Republican desperation. They've put all of their eggs in Trump's basket, and now they're worried that they're going to be screwed.

  3. You're only as slimy as your boss' dirty deeds.

    1. I suspect Cohen doesn't shit in his pants nearly as much.

  4. I've seen Cohen interviewed before and he came across very well I thought. But then he's a lawyer and should know how to handle that. And your sales figures are very impressive, I must say!

    1. Evidently he was very good yesterday on the witness stand.

  5. That's true seldom to others sing your praises if you don't do it yourself.
