
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


 Sunshine!  At last, what a shame I have to do to work today.  Unfortunately, I took a personal day yesterday when it was cloudy and drizzly because... well, it was cloudy and drizzly.  If you live in Central PA, you know what I'm talking about.  I know this is all part of the transition into summer, but this past winter was gloomy, too, warmer than usual, but not a lot of sunshine.

Yesterday was a good day for getting things accomplished.  Much was done, and still, there is much left to do.  Now that it's sunny, I feel as though I need to grab my weed wacker and wack away at the tall grass, but that will probably wait until tomorrow when it's only supposed to be partly sunny.  There are other chores needing to be done today.  The living room area rug arrived yesterday, so I want to get that laid down today.  That will entail moving furniture.  I also want to get in either a dumbbell workout and some time on the treadmill.  I got a bike ride in yesterday, not as long, but with more gusto and a higher wattage in order to burn just as many calories.  Yes, that's right, for those who don't know, your energy output is measured in wattage.  A higher wattage means a better workout.

I did have breakfast with my brother this morning. He and his wife have just returned from Scotland.  I asked him if he bought a kilt, and he admitted buying one, but hadn't worn it yet.  He did tell me that in spite of what some might think, kilts are quite masculine.  If had the legs, I'd buy one.

And I borrowed this from social media yesterday.

Of course, everyone seems to be talking about the debates, 2 of them, without an audience.  Oooh, that's not good for the Morale Degenerate Trump, he loves him his cultists noising it up when he burbles up some lie.  However, that's not going to happen.  There's not going to be a small crowd of Cracker Jack crazies to whom he turn and mug.  Personally, even though he has agreed to the debates, I wouldn't doubt if talks fall apart because his team knows he might suddenly start ranting about... oh, say Hannibal Lecter. Every day it seems as if another four or five clips are added of him meandering off topic to brag about... oh, water for instance rather than speak about a coherent subject.  Somehow, I don't think he has a lot of sunshine on his shoulders these days.


  1. Oh, you KNOW Von ShitzNPants is not gonna do anything without an audience. His malignant narcissism needs an adoring public.
    I don't think he'll debate Uncle Joe. It didn't go well for him last time...
    I read the GA case and the stolen docs cases are stalled. Also SCOTUS may be giving him a pass. A lot is at stake in NY...


    1. I too doubt if he'll debate, he's too much of a coward.

  2. Well...I guess for a day, I don't need my rain slicker!!!

    That those debates are going to be painful. I hope Biden slams the dumps fat ads.

    1. Don't worry, you might need the slicker tomorrow.

  3. And they need to put a mute button on mis mic and force him to shut up when it's not his turn.

  4. I find a man in a kilt very sexy - but I'm not sure your brother will have the guts to wear one in PA! Tell him they don't wear anything under them so to beware of gusts of wind (ha, I just re-read that)!

    1. My brother was going to wear it to a sheep shearing festival, but didn't because it was too windy, so I guess he knows.
