
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Fudging 80.,000

 Outside it's overcast.  Tomorrow, when I'm off, the sun is supposed to come out and I should be able to mow my lawn.  Temps should be fine as well.

And, as for yesterday when there was no entry, I had started one meaning to finish it after returning from breakfast with my brother.  Things did not go as planned.  In fact, yesterday my best be described as a day of oddities.  I got to Denny's, always his restaurant of choice right on time, got a table, ordered coffee... and waited.  After waiting 8 minutes, I sent him a text letting him know I was at the restaurant.  No response.  25 minutes later, I sent another text asking if he'd forgotten.  Five minutes later I got a response, he didn't know about breakfast, so I texted him about his invite the day before.  He blamed Verizon, saying it was an older text that somehow had been delayed, however, an older text would have shown the correct older date and time.  Hhhmm.  Was he suffering from a moment of blondness?  I found the whole thing rather amusing, however, it did set a pattern for how the rest of the day panned out.

Then, later in the day, I was surprised by getting a call from my friend Justin.  He and his girlfriend live about 3 blocks away, and he'll pop into the store occasionally, but he never calls.  It was so odd.

I did hit my sales goal for the week, and got one measure, that should keep management sort of happy.  I did piss my supervisor off a little bit when I recommended to a customer to check out Amazon for a specialty screw he was looking for, instead of looking on our website.  We don't carry specialty screws.

The Orange Anus had a rally at Wildwood, or some beach in New Jersey and, of course, he and his team had to lie about attendance.  They claimed 80 to 100 thousand were in attendance.  That was not the case.  It didn't take long for people to begin posting pictures and videos of people beginning to leave his rally.  Why do Republicans have to lie so much?  Here's a shot showing 50,000 people at a Pink concert (she's at the far end) in Atlantic City, next to picture of the crowd of what?  Maybe 8,000 that went to see Trump.

Keep in mind, the Orange Anus knows nothing about the truth, through out his entire life he has been the most popular, most intelligent, biggest liar there has ever been.  

His court case continues today.  Michael Cohen, his chief fixer is going to testify.  Prepare yourselves for Trump to be reprimanded, he's going to be loud and angry in the courtroom.


  1. You know I HATE amazon...but I had no idea they offered specialty screws?

    1. Dear, you find anything you want on Amazon, except for one of your Houseboys.

    2. And if they did have them, I'd still get the good stuff from South America over Amazon! lol!

    3. And while your buying stuff from South America, I'm supporting all of those thousands of small, American companies that depend upon Amazon for distribution. I try and put my money back into America. 😎😎😎

  2. I loved how, on Twitter it went from 80000 to over 100000 as the hours went by. And then the video of people leaving before it was over was hilarious!

    1. Someone should tell the cultists that a picture is worth 1000 people.

  3. The MAGAts have this obsession with crowds. They have this childish idea that by 'showing' how many people like Jabba the Orange, then by deduction, he must win elections. It's maddening.
    And have you seen him walking around with a pile of papers freshly printed on site???? I was laughing and then watched a video of him with... an armful of papers, talking shit about his rally!


    1. It's not just crowds, they need to be bigger, badder, and dummer.

  4. Some days are just diamonds aren't they. I've been having a few of them (hence I've been offline). Hopefully they're done with now!
