
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Daily chores

 My day off is supposed to be filled with sunshine!  There is 0% chance of rain.  Some people in the Central PA region are on the verge of reaching ecstasy over this news.  Tomorrow, we're supposed to top off in the high 80s (F) and the chance of rain increases to 25%.  Of course, I'm scheduled to work tomorrow afternoon, so as long as it holds off until I've ensconced myself at the flooring desk I'll be fine.

Specialty retail was soooo slow yesterday.  I spent most of the time looking at styles of loveseats for my writing room.  Originally, I'd thought of getting something that was peachy colored, however, trying to picture that in my head wasn't working.  It never does.  Mostly I think with an inner monologue, meaning my thoughts are mostly taken up with words, not pictures.  So, I did the next best thing, I've ordered swatches and chose colors and fabrics that coordinate with the draperies that are already hung.  

On my schedule for today is laundry (there always seems to be laundry), some work on the writing room, floor, a ride on the bike this afternoon, and uploading files of the audio book to Audible.  How much of that will actually be accomplished is another matter.  Back when I was working fulltime, relaxing, unwinding, and recharging were all done on my first day off.  Those 3 things are not conducive to getting chores done and I honestly don't have time for them.

I just zipped out and snapped a picture of one of my Itoh peonies.  For some reason I didn't get a lot of buds this year, perhaps it's because we've basically had constant rain and cloud cover for so long.  I don't know.

And, isn't Florida a funny state?  I mean, not only does it have Disney, there are also millions of conservative senior citizens who moved to the sunshine state in total denial of Climate Change.   I don't know if you've been paying any attention to the temperatures down there, but they've been suffering under a heat wave.  In some places, daily temps are reaching 108 (F) which is hot, almost Death Valley hot.  That means super high electric bills to cool things down, which means senior facilities are increasing their rates because they need to turn a profit.  And we're not even close to the dog days of summer.  This is Karma, for those who don't know it.  

Trump's election interference trial had a dash of excitement yesterday.  His first defense witness caused the courtroom to be cleared.  Guy named Costello, who rolled his eyes and glared at the judge from the witness stand; a fool whom everyone believes made a terrible impression on the jury.  In other words, someone just like Trump.


  1. Costello and Hair Furor are cut from the same cloth, arrogant and stupid.

    Don't forget that with that 108-degree day in South Florida also comes 100% humidity making it even worse.

    1. I'm hoping they enjoy the summer weather, and a looking forward to Hurricane season.

  2. Love the peonies!
    And you know that Flori-duh people will blame the heat on... Uncle Joe. Because of course. And I read that many retirement homes have closed due to skyrocketing insurance and property prices. Nice. Those Grifter Hitler voters really did a number on themselves.
    And the courtroom drama??? Costello was playing... Cheeto. And it backfired spectacularly. I think it was done to 'warn' the jury but I think it had the reverse effect, like everybody does. Good.


    1. I saw where Florida's Senator Scott wants to make sure FEMA stays funded.

    2. Repugs only like big gov’ment when it hands out money to rebuild their ill prepared red states. I thought Repugs believed in pulling oneself up with their bootstraps?! For once the federal government should tell the red states no more monies and to get their act together like the blue states. Every year Florida and Texas, some of the richest states in the nation, get handouts to rebuild with tax monies from the blue states they so despise :(
      Love it when red state governors and politicians are left groveling to President Biden and federal taxpayers for help :)

  3. Costello…agree, just like his orange faced pal. Can’t keep his mouth shut.

    1. From everything I've heard, his appearance as a defense witness was a failure.

  4. I’m looking for a peony the same it’s beautiful x

    1. It took 4 years before it actually bloomed.

  5. I thought of you yesterday when I was listening to The House on the Cerulean Sea on Audible (almost finished now). While I don't enjoy all of the narrators I have to admit the man who narrates this book is just the best. What a skill set to have!

    1. The conversion from written word to audio book is fascinating; much more complicated than many might think.
