
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


 Wednesday has arrived.  Temps are comfortable.  The sun is shining.  All that's supposed to change late this afternoon as thunderstorms move into the area.  I'll have to deal with that.  Looking at the long range forecast, I'd have to say that summer is approaching: more sun and less rain.  I like this type of weather.  Are there scorching days ahead of us?  Can't say, but if the weather pattern holds, if this year is like the past 2, then I'd have to say probably not.  By the way, temps are cooking in those rabidly Right Wing states of Texas and Florida.  That's fine with me.

Usually, on my first day off after working 3, I tend to do as little as possible.  Not that I'm worn out, or tired, I just like to... well, do nothing.  No, that's wrong, I did things, just not chore related.  Reading, writing, and just a touch of cleaning, like doing the dishes by hand.

I shoved the two area rugs that had been in the writing room into my garbage can and took it to the curb for pick-up.  When Waste Management took over, they gave everybody oversized garbage cans, so they easily fit inside.  The cans are so big, I can fit just about anything inside, except for the dog sofa.

This morning, I'm going to either cancel my Amazon Prime, or reduce it greatly.  There's nothing interesting to watch, except for the occasional originals, and I can't see paying for something I'm not going to watch.  Netflix, however, has things I like.  Last night I finished watching "Bodies," which I really liked.  It's the story of 4 detectives investigating the same murder victim decades apart.  It's almost like an anthology series since each detective is dealing with issues, and all of them choosing to make a sacrifice.

Of course, they had closing arguments yesterday in Trump's election interference trial.  He was a little miffed that his defense team couldn't go last, which is odd.  After all of the people he has sued, you'd think he would have realized that Karma was going to put him in the same shoes as all of his victims.  One of the things I've found very satisfying is that while he pays his attorneys to call him Mr. President, Judge Merchan calls him Mr. Trump.  That, among so many other unpleasant things, must be burning his ass.  In fact, for a few moments I'd thought of calling this entry Burning His Ass, but decided would only lead to too many truly vulgar thoughts.


  1. I binge watched Bodies in a weekend. Super cool. I especially enjoyed the Victorian storyline and how it changed.
    Cheeto is a spoiled, privileged man child. He knows he won't have the last word, he's been in court before. But whining is his bread and butter. I'm sure the rubes are sending him money as I type.
    Today is gonna be heavy. I hope they find him guilty so he can whine with a reason...


    1. Kyle Soller, who played Hillingshead, is one of the villains in Andor, and Netflix appears to have a bit of a problem in that it turned out to be far more popular than they were expecting. I'm not thinking about the trial today, too much other stuff on my mind.

  2. I'll check out Bodies. Currently we're watching Killing Eve, and that's way better than I expected. We also watched Resident Alien after it dropped on cute, and lots of fun. And now Bridgerton is back.....the acting isn't great but it's like eye candy with the beautiful actors, costumes, and sets.

    1. Netflix does seem to be winning the battle in interesting programming, while Amazon Prime seems to be turning into an old TV Guide.

  3. One thing I loved hearing was that hair Furor was furious that the prosecution got to say all those "lies" about him and he couldn't respond.
    Um, Demented Donald, your response would have been taking the stand, asshat, but you were too a'scurred to do it.

  4. Yes, Mr Trump citizen and con-man.
    Must be tough for him to abide by laws the rest of us do everyday.:)

  5. Can't wait to see how he is not punished on held accountable. I bet the jury will not all agree and be hung. Curses.

    1. The jury doesn't have to decide if he's guilty on all counts, that's done separately, meaning he can be guilty but only on one of the charges.

  6. I started watching Bodies but then gave up (like I do with most things sadly). Maybe I should give it another shot. On Prime I'm enjoying Clarkson's Farm, although I don't think this series is as good as the first two. Oh and I just received the book - thank you so much!

    1. Bodies is complicated, I'm still running it through in my head, which is what I like. And you're quite welcome!
