
I've also been told I have little tact, so if this offends you simply ride on.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Holiday Blog

Well, we're into the 2nd day of our holiday weekend and the weather is stormy... sort of.  Today the humidity is supposed to soar..  No thunderstorms are in the forecast, at least not for today.  We did have a few yesterday.  Lots of rain at times, drenching Central Pa.  More are predicted for tomorrow as this weather pattern moves through.  It will be here and gone in no time.  

Retail was not too good yesterday.  Our measure system was down making it impossible for us to sell a flooring measure.  Not a good thing on the holiday weekend, when customers do stop in during the early hours.  Afternoons and evenings are slow, since that's when the cookouts and barbecues start.

I saw this little review of Interview With a Vampire and thought it cute.  I was so disappointed in that movie.

And for those who missed it, Trump was mercilessly booed last evening at the Libertarian Convention.  It was more than joyous watching him get all red in the face.  If you get a chance watch some of the videos, one the best showed him leaving the stage looking rather dejected.  Simply Wonderful



  1. Funny, though, that MAGAts are saying he was cheered. I guess they don't know the difference.

    PS This is the third day of my four-day holiday weekend! Yay me!

    1. Ever major media outlet, except Fox, covered the boos. And enjoy your 4 days!

  2. I so hope that DT loses this election and goes the fuck away. I'm SO TIRED of hearing his name and seeing his ugly face. So tired.

    1. I don't doubt that after he's gone, the stench will remain for quite some time.

  3. The libertarians must have got a whiff of Trump’s odorous diaper :)

    1. Maybe that's why he tried to put Trumpers in the front rows.

  4. From what I've heard about Tom Cruise that would be pretty accurate. That being said, he always puts on a good front when he's promoting his films and makes time for fans! A strange man though!

    1. I'm not really a fan, mostly because he truly is odd.
